Marcus Chin splits with girlfriend due to age gap

Marcus Chin splits with girlfriend due to age gap

18 Mar – 59-year-old Singaporean actor Marcus Chin who had previously made headlines for leaving his wife Murong Ying for a much younger girlfriend, now comes forth to reveal that he has split with his 27-year-old girlfriend and mother of his 2-year-old daughter, Eileen Cheah.

Apparently the 32-year age gap was one of the factors of the split that had been kept secret for the past 6 months.

"The Wedding Diary" star also revealed that the other reason for the separation was due to him being unable to provide a sense of security for Cheah, as he is still legally married to his wife, Ying.

Cheah's unhappiness about her lack of a "proper status" was one of the main factors.

Chin told a Chinese daily that he had explained and tried to clarify the matter to Cheah before, but to no avail.

He is still married to Ying to provide her with a home and pay the housing loan or else she would be left homeless, adding that he could not do anything about it if Cheah could not accept it.

Chin had vehemently also denied rumours that the reason Cheah had left was due to him not being able to buy her expensive things, like an apartment, a car, branded bags, Rolex watches, and even to invest in her sister's boutique.