Marina Abramović has launched a moisturiser... Is it a performance piece?

Marina Abramović has launched a moisturiser... Is it a performance piece?

The artist is present… and silky smooth. Yes, you read the headline right. Famed Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović has just launched a moisturising cream.

Face-lotion is the latest new product announced in Abramović’s Longevity Method project. The moisturising cream is listed on her website at £199 (€230) and boasts ingredients like white bread, vitamin C and white wine.

“With the rapid development of technology, if we human beings don’t embrace simplicity in our lives, we will be lost,” the packaging peddles, before continuing on a Goop-esque ramble against technology, consumerism (ironic) and in favour of the “Abramović method.”

The whole Longevity Method project is a result of Abramović’s treatment for Lyme disease by Nonna Brenner, a holistic doctor in 2017. The project is a joint venture by the artist and the doctor that requires interested consumers to subscribe for early access to a product line that also includes a grape and cranberry energy drop, a garlic and lemon immunity drop, and a liquorice allergy spray.

The face-lotion
The face-lotion - Marina Abramović Longevity Method

It’s all a bit odd for the 77-year-old artist who is most famous for her pioneering conceptual art. Typically defined by the physical demands that Abramović imposes on herself, she is best-known for the 2010 piece ‘The Artist is Present’.

At New York’s Museum of Modern Art, Abramović sat in a chair, still and silent, for over 736 hours. 1,545 people lined up and sat opposite Abramović as they engaged with her across the emotional spectrum – the only requirement of the visitors was that they do not touch or speak to the artist.

Most recently, Abramović gave a solo show in the main galleries of the Royal Academy and has been performing in the opera ‘7 Deaths of Maria Callas’ at the English National Opera, despite no prior experience in the art form.

Given her career so far, it’s fair to assume there might be something up with this mysterious venture into skincare for Abramović.

Marina Abraomvic, left, and a visitor to the Museum of Modern Art in New York perform "The Artist is Present."
Marina Abraomvic, left, and a visitor to the Museum of Modern Art in New York perform "The Artist is Present." - Mary Altaffer/AP2010

If the Longevity Method is all a big performance piece that Abramović is moments away from pulling the carpet out from under, what could it mean? The obvious suggestion would be some kind of commentary on consumerism, contemporary beauty culture, and an inhospitable arts milieu forcing a generational artist to succumb to a brand-deal cash grab.

The alternative might be that that’s all true, but it isn’t a performance piece at all. Consumerism, contemporary beauty culture and an inhospitable arts milieu have forced Abramović to capitulate to the same business model Instagram influencers employ.

The third alternative is also that post-Lyme disease, Abramović truly is besotted with this Dr Brenner character and fully believes in the rejuvenative properties of her bread-infused lotion.