Mark Levin Ridiculed For Claiming Trump's Verdict Is 'Stalinism'

Fox News host Mark Levin attempted to defend Donald Trump against his humiliating court loss on Tuesday only to be mercilessly ridiculed for his shameless fealty.

Shortly after Judge Arthur Engoron issued a ruling that the former president’s company built his real estate empire by fraudulently overvaluing his net worth and assets, Levin attempted to delegitimize the verdict using a buzzword that is meaningless to everyone but low-information Trump supporters.

“Unbelievable. America has never experienced this kind of Stalinism that Trump is contending with. It’s unconscionable,” Levin posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, in a retweet of the former president’s own dubious statement about the verdict.

“Stalinism,” as explains, refers to “extreme suppression of dissident political or ideological views, the concentration of power in one person, and an aggressive international policy.”

But apparently Levin also thinks it applies to judges making legal rulings based on existing case law.

Luckily for him, there were plenty of people ready to school him and make fun of him at the same time.

For instance, one man pointed out that if a person who hosts a nationally syndicated radio show like Levin is “openly complaining about living under Stalinism,” then “you’re probably not, in fact, living under Stalinism.”

Former Republican congressman Joe Walsh used Levin’s tweet to reminisce about the days when the pundit actually “used to defend the rule of law,” and added, “That seems like so long ago.”

Other responses were just as pointed.
