McFly's Harry Judd "broke down" in tears on Celeb Race Across the World

harry judd, celebrity race across the world
McFly's Harry Judd "broke down" on new TV showBBC

McFly drummer Harry Judd has revealed that he "broke down" during his globe-trotting journey on Celebrity Race Across the World.

The BBC series will follow four celebrities, each partnered up with a family member, as they attempt to travel from Morocco to Norway on a limited budget, and with no mobile phones or access to the internet.

Judd told OK! Magazine that not being able to contact family members led to an emotional moment for him, due to homesickness.

"One morning, I had a 20-minute call with my family and I completely broke down," he said, referencing his wife Izzy and their three children.

"I've never missed my wife so much. I went into mum's room and had a bit of a cry."

harry judd, celebrity race across the world

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Harry will be competing with his mum Emma Judd, who had a very sentimental way of helping her son in his lowest moments on their 24-country journey.

"She got this [cross-stitch] tapestry out that she always does in the winter months and she’d brought me one," the former Strictly Come Dancing winner shared.

"I was quite emotional and used it to focus my mind. But three weeks of obsessive stitching ensued and it was therapeutic. Mum called it, 'Stitch and b***h.'"

Judd also told the publication that, as a self-proclaimed "mummy's boy," spending a prolonged amount of time with his mother was "the most special thing".

celebrity race across the world
Pete Dadds - BBC

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Speaking about the show previously, Judd said that although he had previously travelled on tour with McFly, he "never properly did backpacking and always wanted to".

Competing against Harry and mum Emma will be Good Morning Britain weather presenter Alex Beresford alongside his dad Noel, and racing driver and Channel 4 F1 pundit Billy Monger with his sister Bonny.

Filling out the cast's ranks for the show's six episodes will be All Saints singer Melanie Blatt and her mum, Helene.

Celebrity Race Across The World starts on Wednesday, September 13, airing on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

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