Meet Saif Ali Khan's new lady Mallika Haydon in AGENT VINOD

Meet Saif Ali Khan's new lady Mallika Haydon in AGENT VINOD

Rachana, Glamsham Editorial

Besides Kareena's Mujra what is making Saif Ali Khan's AGENT VINOD talk of the town is the hot item number by Kingfisher model and Lisa Haydon's sister, Mallika Haydon. Her song 'I'll Do The Talking' has already created enough waves and now she is gearing up for yet another song 'Pyaar Ki Pungi' in the film.

While 'I'll do the talking' had her gyrating to the song all alone, 'Pyaar Ki Pungi' will see Mallika shaking legs with Saif. Mallika affirms, "Yes my second song 'Pyaar Ki Pungi' is with Saif. We have already shot the number. However, I don't have too many dance moves with Saif as the said song is not a dance sequence and it's more of narration of the story."

Ask Mallika about her experience of working with Saif and she says, "He's very professional yet friendly and easy going. He makes people very comfortable. Despite being a newcomer the treatment was no less than a star."

Where many a girls aspire to crack a place in Bollywood, Mallika Haydon is one such lucky newbie to have become a part of a Big Bollywood project AGENT VINOD. However, ask her if sister Lisa, who is two films old now with RASCALS and AISHA to her credit, has helped her bagging the project and she says, "Though she is very supportive and encouraging, she wasn't involved in getting me AGENT VINOD. I got aware of AGENT VINOD through my agency. I auditioned and eventually got a call for it."

Mallika further reveals Bollywood was never her dream. "I never really dreamt of being in Bollywood. I never had big aspirations to get into Bollywood," discloses Mallika.

Debutant Mallika, who is not used to shaking a leg to the Bollywood tune and doing the quintessential desi jhatkas, got the hang of Bollywood style of dancing all thanks to her screen idol, Madhuri Dixit.

Mallika says, "I didn't emulate anyone in particular for the song. However I am a big fan of Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit's dancing. Her style and moves are incredible. Whenever I see her dancing I like to copy her. She is quite different from others."

Unlike sister Lisa Haydon, who played significant roles in her films, Mallika embarked in Bollywood doing an item song. However, Mallika feels item numbers tend to stereotype a person's image. "The best way to get in Bollywood is to have a role in the film. People tend to stereotype like 'She is an item girl."

On asking about her future plans in Bollywood, hottie Mallika replies in a matter of fact tone, "If something good comes my way I would definitely consider. However, I probably won't struggle much to get here."

Also starring Kareena Kapoor, the spy-thriller AGENT VINOD is all set to release on March 23, 2012.

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