How Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Celebrated Princess Lilibet's Third Birthday

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How the Sussexes Celebrated Lili's 3rd Birthday!Yaroslav Sabitov - PA Images - Getty Images

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's daughter Princess Lilibet turns three today (June 4) and the royal couple celebrated in style! By which I mean they had a cute low-key party.

According to People, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex threw Lili a "pre-birthday bash" with close friends and family over the weekend in Montecito, California. TBD on the exact guest list, but seems safe to assume Meghan's mom, Doria Ragland, was in attendance. And just casually pointing out that Meghan and Harry's celebrity friends / neighbors include Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres—among others!

The royal couple have been committed to raising their children completely out of the spotlight (aside from some truly sweet photos in their Netflix documentary), but Meghan did give a cute update on Princess Lilibet during her and Prince Harry's recent trip to Nigeria.

Speaking to a group of kindergartners who danced and sang for the Sussexes at Lightway Academy in Abuja, Meghan reportedly said "That's Lili's favorite class."

She also told a group of older kids (via People), "Our daughter, Lili, she's much, much tinier than you guys. She's about to turn three. And a few weeks ago she looked at me and she would just see the reflection in my eyes. And she said, 'Mama, I see me in you.' Now she was talking really literally. But I hung onto those words in a very different way. And I thought, yes, I do see me and you, and you see me and you, but as I look around this room, I see myself in all of you as well."

BRB, 🥹.

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