Mehdi Hasan Sums Up Elon Musk's Twitter: 'Right-Wing Crazies Make Whiny Complaints'

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan called out new Twitter owner Elon Musk for claiming he wants to make the website neutral but in reality is acting on behalf of only one side.

“He’s already engaged with a bunch of only far-right accounts” Hasan told fellow MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin, noting, for example, that Musk quickly replied to a gripe by election denier and conspiracy theorist Tom Fitton with a promise to be “even-handed.”

“Yeah, Ayman, we should all be ‘even-handed’ when it comes to election denial,” Hasan mocked, then wondered what this portends for the future of the platform.

“Is this how Twitter is gonna work now, do you think, going forward?” Hasan asked. “Right-wing crazies make whiny complaints and the owner of Twitter, the world’s richest man, responds to all of them personally? Not only does that not seem to be a good use of his time, but it doesn’t feel very ― what’s the word I’m looking for? ― even-handed.”

Mohyeldin was even more blunt in his appraisal, warning advertisers not to “sit by and watch as this site increasingly becomes a cesspool of racists and antisemites” under Musk.

See their full discussion below:

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.