Melania Trump prays at Paris's Notre Dame cathedral

US First Lady Melania Trump and her French counterpart Brigitte Macron took in the highlights of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris with its rector Patrick Chauvet

US First Lady Melania Trump toured Notre Dame cathedral with her French counterpart Brigitte Macron on Thursday, stopping to pray before a statue of the Virgin Mary. The 47-year-old practising Catholic, chic in a red Dior outfit with her hair pulled up in a chignon, was in Paris at the start of a Bastille Day visit by the US first couple. Security forces kept tourists and passers-by, smartphones in hand, at a distance as Trump and Macron arrived at the soaring Gothic landmark in the heart of the French capital. The pair took in the highlights of the sanctuary with its rector Patrick Chauvet as their guide. They then boarded a boat for a cruise on the Seine river. In the morning Trump visited the Necker Sick Children's hospital, meeting several patients and encouraging them with comments such as "good luck" and "stay strong". At the official start of the visit, the Macrons and Trumps had toured Napoleon's tomb at the Invalides military complex. There, the US president complimented 64-year-old Brigitte Macron, saying: "You know, you're in such great shape... beautiful." In the evening the two couples will dine at a Michelin-starred restaurant on the Eiffel Tower.