Mexico says unhappy with Egypt's response to 2015 attack on tourists

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico said that it was not satisfied with the Egyptian government's response to an aerial bombing in Egypt last year in which eight Mexican tourists wee killed. The Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website on Thursday that it had sent a letter to the Egyptian embassy to express its "surprise and dissatisfaction" with the government's failure to thoroughly investigate the case, penalize the perpetrators and compensate victims. Last September, an Egyptian army aircraft fired on a group parked for a barbecue near a tourist site, thinking they were militants. In addition to the eight Mexicans, four Egyptians were killed. Six Mexicans were wounded. The ministry said that although media outlets had reported on negotiations with one of the victim's families, Mexico did not have any knowledge of that. The Egyptian foreign ministry could not be reached for comment despite repeated attempts over Egypt's Friday weekend. The New York Times reported earlier this week that the Egyptian Tourism Federation would compensate families of three Mexican victims and it was also negotiating with families of the other Mexican victims. The federation is a union of local tourism chambers of commerce. It represents the tourism sector and is not officially part of the Egyptian government. (Reporting by Joanna Zuckerman Bernstein; Additional reporting by Mohamed Abdellah in Cairo; Editing by Nick Macfie and Dominic Evans)