migme partners with Hong Kong-based gaming studio Gamespark to bring on 4 new games


The partnership will allow the global digital media company to rebrand and publish one RPG, one card-battle game and two casino games for its social entertainment platform

Singapore-based and ASX-listed global digital media company migme has announced today a partnership with Hong Kong-based (with business operations in Indonesia) mobile gaming studio Gamespark.

Through this deal, it will rebrand and publish four new mobile and social casino games from Gamespark’s portfolio for the migme social entertainment platform.

These games include mobile role-playing game Redcliff Arena 2, strategic action card-battle game Boat Royale, as well as social casino games P2P Poker and Slots. Users will be able to login with their migme details and use their migme credits for in-app item purchases, of which migme will receive a revenue share of all in-app purchases.

migme will seek to promote these games in Southeast Asian markets such as Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia.

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“These new games are a valuable addition to the migme platform, further helping the company drive quality engagement and increase revenues. We are excited to be bringing these new mobile and social casino games to our key markets across the Southeast Asian region. We look forward to tapping into the growth potential of these gaming categories and we plan on expanding this strategy as we move into 2017,” Steven Goh, migme CEO, said in an official press release.

This move is the latest in migme’s string of new mobile app and game integrations this year. These include fantasy sports game Cricbattle, the Zombie Lava Shooter game, selfie editor apps from Meitu (BeautyPlus and MakeUpPlus) and Mybrana.

migme also completed a fundraising of AUD 10.226 million (US$7.76 million) in late August this year, which was temporarily stalled in the wake of the Brexit.


Image Credit: Gamespark

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