MMO player despairs after losing WoW Classic Hardcore character 10 levels away from the level cap to a misjudged jump

 Wow Classic
Wow Classic

One unlucky MMO player has discovered just how brutal WoW Classic's new Hardcore mode can be.

Hardcore realms were recently added to World of Warcraft Classic; here, if you die, you can't be resurrected and instead must either move to a non-Hardcore realm or start from scratch. It's tense stuff and can be devastating if you lose your character after pouring hours of time into them, particularly if it's over something minor. There are few who know this better than streamer Hozitojones, who recently lost their Hardcore character ten levels away from the level cap due to a misjudged jump.

A video posted on Twitter by user @N_Tys26 shows the streamer merrily making their way up a tall structure. At the very top, there's a rock platform with a bridge just below. From above, it looks like the platform is bigger than it is, so, unfortunately, the player doesn't jump quite as far as they need to to reach the solid surface below. Hozitojones quickly realizes what's happening but can't do anything other than watch in horror as their level 50 character tumbles to their doom.

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Absolutely gutted by this cruel turn of events, the player says, "I'm done with this game, bro. Holy f***. I'm done. Bye." A quick look at their Twitch and YouTube channels shows they've not streamed any WoW Classic since yesterday when the incident occurred. Perhaps they're 'done', as they say, or maybe they'll return for another stab at Hardcore mode after they've had a chance to cool off.

A week after Hardcore arrived in WoW Classic, Blizzard shared some stats on how fans are faring with the new mode. According to the post on Twitter, falling is one of the main causes of player deaths, alongside Kobold Miners, Voidwalker Minions, Wendigo, and player vs. player encounters. The average level players get to before meeting their demise is 10, and the most popular classes are Warrior, Hunter, and Mage.

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World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore made me fall in love with leveling all over again.