Mongolia's ruling party wins slim majority in vote dominated by corruption

The governing Mongolian People’s Party hung on to its majority by a small margin in this week’s parliamentary elections, with the main opposition Democratic Party and minor parties making gains. Endemic corruption, the high cost of living and the lack of opportunities for young people dominated the campaign.

Mongolia's ruling party emerged from this week's polls with its parliamentary majority significantly diminished Saturday, local media said, after a campaign dominated by graft fears and the state of the economy.

Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene declared victory early Saturday morning in the previous day's polls, in which millions of Mongolians turned out to elect 126 members of the State Great Khural, the country's unicameral parliament.

Local media outlet Ikon, collating figures provided by the General Election Commission, reported that the ruling Mongolian People's Party (MPP) had won 68 seats, giving it a majority of four.

The main opposition Democratic Party won 42, Ikon reported, while the minor anti-corruption HUN party won eight. Smaller parties won eight seats between them.

The head of the Electoral Commission said on Saturday afternoon there remained some votes to be counted by hand to verify results collated by machines.

"Only six to seven polling stations are remaining, but the hand counting matches the machines 100 percent," he told a news conference in the capital Ulaanbaatar.

"These polling stations will be finished very soon," he said.

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