In the mood of: Duncan Pyke, model with Elite

It's menswear fashion week! As the men take to the runways in Paris, we speak to some models working the runway about what the fashion frenzy is like for them. Duncan Pyke, who spent his childhood between the UK and America and is signed with Elite Model Agency in London, has recently walked in shows for Costume National and Diesel in Milan, and appeared in F/W 2012 campaigns for Topman and COS.

Which is your favorite of the fashion capitals (NYC, Milan, London, Paris) and why?

New York for the night life! And I love sight-seeing in Paris.

What are your top three tips for staying in shape during fashion week?

Be young, wild, & free!

What's your favorite reading material while you're waiting around backstage/at castings?

I suppose philosophy books and poetry!

What's the craziest behind-the-scenes disaster you've witnessed?

Throwing up in the sink 5 minutes before show! That's actually more of a confession than what I've seen...

What's your ideal post-fashion week comfort meal?


What three things could the fashion industry change to make models' lives easier?

One: free drinks; two: free clothes; and three: free food!