More than 14,500 vapes seized by Trading Standards

Some of the seized vapes
The vapes were seized during more than 650 visits to retailers in the county [Kent County Council]

More than 14,500 vapes have been seized by a branch of Kent's Trading Standards team in about half a year.

The items were seized during more than 650 visits to retailers across the county by the vape compliance team.

Almost 500 illegal vapes were also seized in a single week in Thanet, Kent County Council said.

This comes after almost 500,000 illegal vapes, some 10 times the legal size, were seized at Kent ports in 2023.

On Thursday the council said the vape compliance team had supported a multi-agency engagement day in Tunbridge Wells alongside Kent Police.

During the day of action 512 packets of cigarettes, 6.6kg (14.6lb) of hand rolling tobacco, and 99 tubs of nicotine pouches were seized.

A council spokesperson had said: "[The vape compliance team] are not just visiting newsagents, the cost of living crisis has led other businesses to diversify into vapes thinking they are a quick win and the team has found them in the most unusual of places."

Some e-cigarette requirements are that tanks have a capacity of no more than 2ml, e-liquids are capped at a nicotine strength of 20mg/ml, and ingredients such as colourings, caffeine and taurine are not used.

All e-cigarettes and e-liquids are also required to be notified and published by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency before they can be sold.

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