More wind and rain warnings across UK following Storm Kathleen disruption

More weather warnings for wind and rain have been issued across the country following the disruption caused by Storm Kathleen.

The Met Office issued four separate warnings covering southern England, western Wales and mainland Scotland from Monday to Tuesday evening.

The forecaster said travel disruption and damage to homes and businesses were possible.

A yellow wind warning covering Cornwall and parts of Devon in south-west England is in place from 4pm on Monday to 6am on Tuesday, with gusts of 60-65mph widely expected along coastlines.

Weather warnings April 7-8 2024
(PA Graphics)

Further yellow wind warnings have been issued for southern England, from 9pm on Monday to midday on Tuesday, and coastal areas of Wales, from 1am to 3pm Tuesday.

A yellow rain warning covering south and eastern parts of Scotland – including Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen – is in place from 1am to 6pm on Tuesday.

Between 20-40mm of rain is expected across most areas, but some places could see as much as 50-60 mm of rainfall.

The Environment Agency issued 38 flood warnings and 169 flood alerts across England as of Monday morning.

It said tidal flooding was likely along parts of the coasts of north-east England, Yorkshire and the Humber on Monday and Tuesday.

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency also had 38 local flood warnings and 18 flood alerts in place, while Natural Resources Wales issued 14 flood alerts.

Spring weather Apr 7th 2024
Dog walkers on the beach at Weston-super-Mare in Somerset, where strong winds hit the coast (Ben Birchall/PA)

Kathleen, the 11th named storm of the 2023/24 season, brought disruption to weekend travel with strong winds reaching 70mph and rain affecting much of the UK and Ireland.

Oli Claydon, meteorologist from the Met Office, said: “Certainly for the wind warnings, it’s that combination of the high tide as well.

“If you’re near the coastline do take care, don’t get too close to any sort of edges or seafronts because you’re likely to see some wave overtopping at times and there could be debris being flown around the coastline.

“With the rain warnings, it’s just a case of knowing your flood risk.”

A new system of low pressure will lead to wet and windy weather in south-west England, Wales and Northern Ireland on Monday, the Met Office said.

Spring weather Apr 6th 2024
People watch the waves at Blackrock Diving Board, Salthill, Co Galway (Brian Lawless/PA)

Heavy and blustery showers are also expected in the South East during the afternoon with hail and thunder possible, while there will be sunnier spells elsewhere.

Mr Claydon added: “It’s probably parts of western Wales where you’ll see the strongest combination of wind and rain in the south.

“The rain pushes further north quite quickly before the wind comes into play.”

Cloud and rain will stall across parts of Scotland on Tuesday, but it will turn brighter elsewhere with scattered showers through the afternoon.

Unsettled conditions will continue into Wednesday as more cloud and rain arrives from the west and pushes eastwards throughout the day.