‘Morning Joe’ Host Objects as Al Sharpton Compares Campus Protests to Jan. 6: ‘Good Lord, Don’t Make a Parallel’ | Video

When Rev. Al Sharpton compared the Gaza protest movement across college campuses to the Jan. 6 riots – saying Democrats “lose the moral high ground” when demonstrations turn violent – “Morning Joe” co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and husband Joe Scarborough had a minor moment.

Thursday’s MSNBC talk show inevitably turned to protests roiling campuses across the country, specifically focusing on police action at UCLA on Wednesday night, the panelists

“How do the Democrats, how do all of us on that side, say January 6 was wrong if you can have the same pictures going on, on college campuses?” Sharpton questioned.

“Good lord, don’t make a parallel with January 6,” co-host Mika Brzezinski replied, continuing her objection – until her husband interrupted.


“That has happened though,” Joe Scarborough chimed in.

“You lose the moral high ground,” Sharpton continued.

While images of raging unrest played onscreen, Brzezinski forcefully pivoted the discussion to what was developing on the ground.

But by then, Sharpton had already clocked his displeasure with what was going on: Earlier in the segment, Sharpton added, “I think that what is very alarming to me, someone who has been involved in civil rights. … Anytime what you are protesting for becomes secondary to what you are doing, then you’re really not protesting for it,” he said.


Sharpton added that “What is troubling me about a lot of this is the cause has become about them. It’s not about them. It’s about pushing the cause.”

“They need to ask themselves if they were sincere, are you really focusing on what’s happening right now in Gaza, about the children, about the women, about the innocent people In Israel?” Sharpton said. “Are you focusing on whether or not you are violent, or you can say the most incendiary statement?”

Sharpton added that at UCLA he thought this was the case because the protests had been “infiltrated by people that are not students.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” Brzezinski said.

Watch the entire clip in the video above.

The post ‘Morning Joe’ Host Objects as Al Sharpton Compares Campus Protests to Jan. 6: ‘Good Lord, Don’t Make a Parallel’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.