MSF re-opens hospital in north Afghanistan days after raid

KABUL (Reuters) - Médecins Sans Frontières has re-opened its hospital in Afghanistan's troubled northern province of Kunduz after a five-day shutdown following a raid by Afghan special forces last week, the group's country representative said on Wednesday. Kunduz has seen some of the worst fighting in Afghanistan this year. MSF said it was re-opening the hospital because the government had promised the incident would not be repeated. Last week, special forces burst inside looking for suspected al Qaeda operatives being treated there. "We got some very strong messages of support... Based on the commitment at the central level, we decided to re-open the hospital," MSF's Guilhem Molinie said. Health facilities are protected by international law and those run by foreign aid groups in Afghanistan provide critical treatment to all victims of war. (Reporting by Jessica Donati; Editing by Nick Macfie)