Mum horrified after child steps on needle at park

Shoe with a needle embedded in it
Mum said she is "fuming" after an 11-year-old girl trod on a needle at Cherry Tree Park in Woodston [Wanda Kisbee]

A mum was horrified after an 11-year-old child trod on a needle in a city park, which embedded in her shoe.

Wanda Kisbee was with her daughter and her friend at the Cherry Tree Park in Woodston, Peterborough, on Thursday, when one of the girls accidently stepped on a syringe tip.

The mum said she was “absolutely fuming” at the "near miss" which fortunately did not penetrate the girl's skin.

Ms Kisbee described the drugs problem in the area as "rife", however Cambridgeshire Police said the issue was a "priority" for the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) who carried out regular patrols in Woodston.

Wanda Kisbee smiling
Wanda Kisbee, 47, said she wanted to warn families not to let children go barefoot at the park [Wanda Kisbee]

The 11-year-old girl was unhurt, but found the incident “disgusting”.

Ms Kisbee, 47, who has lived in Woodston for 14 years said she felt "unsafe" in the area.

“I understand there are people with addiction issues but dealing and taking drugs around children spaces is unacceptable,” she said.

“The problem especially around the Cherry Tree and the alleyway near St Augustine’s school is very bad. I have seen many times, people injecting themselves with no regard for the public.

“There’s drug dealing going on in broad daylight."

Two needles bin have been placed in the area by Peterborough City Council, but Ms Kisbee said they are "sadly not being used".

However the authority said over the past three years, 347 needles were collected from the bin on Wharf Road and 222 from the Asda Bridge for the same period.

‘Get out and do something’

Ms Kisbee along with Claire Peck - the other girl's mum - have called on authorities to bring in deterrent measures including CCTV in the park and around it.

“Just get out and do something," Ms Kisbee added.

“When it comes to the safety of children we can’t take it lightly anymore.”

Ms Pecks said: "I just fear if it was a younger child it could have ended very badly."

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire Police said: We are aware of drug activity issues in Woodston and it is a priority for the NPT who are carrying out patrols, conducting stop-searches and regularly attending events in the area to update the local community."

A spokesperson for PCC said: “We will be working with partners, including the police, to arrange walkabouts in the area as soon as possible with a view to resolving these issues."

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