Murder investigation after teenager gunned down in Liverpool


A murder investigation has been launched by police after a teenager was shot dead in Liverpool.

Police and ambulance crew were called to the Liver Industrial Estate in Aintree, about 5 miles north of the city centre, at around 11.10pm on Sunday.

The victim was found at the scene with gunshot wounds and taken to hospital but pronounced dead a short time later.

A cordon was put in place while officers and forensic teams carried out their enquiries.

Merseyside Police said high visibility patrols have been stepped up in the area to provide reassurance to members of the public.

Mark Baker, who is leading the investigation, said his thoughts were with the victim’s family and called on anyone who has information about the incident to contact police.

Mr Baker describe the shooting as an “appalling” and “tragic” incident.

He said that while the killing took place on an industrial estate there were residential homes nearby, urging locals who might have heard or seen anything to come forward.

“I would appeal to any motorists who may have captured footage on their dashcam to come forward even if it appears to be innocuous,” he said.

“It could prove vital to our efforts to deliver justice for this young man and his family. It is essential that people with information, no matter how small, to please contact us as it might be vital to the investigation.”

Mr Baker said gun violence had taken “too many young lives” in Merseyside but that firearms discharges were at their lowest levels in two decades.

He said that officers were carrying out warrants, open land searches and stop and searches to remove guns and other weapons from the streets of Liverpool.

“We target all available resources in the right areas to remove weapons and those who use them and work daily alongside our partners and in communities affected by gun crime,” he added.

“Incidents such as this are a tragic reminder of why we must continue with that work – gun crime can tear families apart and ruin many more lives than the victim alone.”

Anyone who has information about the incident is asked to contact Merseyside Police through the usual channels, quoting reference 1121 of 23 June.