Neighbours: Leo and Krista hide a secret from Paul

Episode 8974

UK and US release date: Wednesday 17 January 2024 at 07:00 on Amazon Freevee

Australia airdate: Wednesday 17 January 2024 at 16:00 on Channel 10 and 18:30 on 10 Peach

Krista and Leo decide to give it a shot as a couple, agreeing to take it slowly and keep it on the down low from Paul for now. As Krista tries to settle into her new role at Lassiters, suggesting they rehire Byron as concierge, Paul refuses and pulls rank on her, leaving her disheartened. Leo encourages her to listen to her own instincts and stand up to Paul.

Off the back of his support, Krista hires Byron despite Paul's disapproval, asserting herself to Paul and reminding him that he's done much worse than Byron in his time.

Meanwhile, shocked by the distribution of her personal images, and the abduction of Isla, Nicolette and her family push for Veronica's arrest. But with CCTV footage seeming to show Isla walking off of her own accord, and no fingerprints evident on the flyers, the police have nothing to charge Veronica with.

With the facts unclear, Aaron, David and Jane start to doubt Nicolette's claims in regards to her dealings with Veronica and Sasha, causing tension in the family.

These doubts are only exacerbated with David bumps into Veronica at Harold's and she provides him with documents that reflect very poorly on Nicolette. Feeling lost, Nicolette turns to the one person she feels she can trust – Paul.

Elsewhere, Melanie downloads a dating app and is quickly approached by a prospective match, who invites her out for a low-key dinner at the Tram.

Nervous, Melanie goes shopping for a new dress and is pleasantly surprised when Nell shows up to help her get ready. But her date is a no-show, claiming he's having tyre trouble and will be there soon. She gives him the benefit of the doubt and waits around until it's very clear he's not going to show up.

When Melanie goes to walk home in the dark, a car revs and pulls up, with its headlights blaring. Its occupants call out to her and continue following as Melanie increases her pace, scared.

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