Neighbours pregnancy scheme in Paul and Chelsea story

Neighbours spoilers follow.

Neighbours' newest villain Chelsea Murphy plots to start a family with Paul Robinson next week.

Chelsea comes up with the plan as she desperately looks for ways to cement her future with the rich businessman.

The schemer has been trying to secure a long-term future with Paul ever since she arrived in Erinsborough earlier this year.

Although Chelsea and Paul are now in a relationship, Chelsea has felt repeatedly thwarted by Paul's unresolved feelings for his ex-wife Terese Willis – as well as Krista Sinclair's determination to assert herself at Lassiters.

chelsea murphy in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

Related: Neighbours teases Chelsea Murphy's baby plan in 21 spoiler pictures

Next week, Chelsea is jealous as Paul judges the hotel's Longest Lie-In Event as a huge success.

Krista, who organised the contest, feels empowered by Paul's praise and tries to pitch further ideas to him. Chelsea is quick to dismiss these, but Krista makes it clear that she'll be communicating directly with Paul from now on.

Krista's new-found confidence coincides with Paul making a realisation. When Paul's son Leo Tanaka thanks him for being kind towards Krista, Paul decides that continuing in the same vein could be his way to fully win Leo over again.

Paul soon rewards Krista with the opportunity to brief his sister Lucy and the Lassiters International team on how the Lie-In went. This leaves Chelsea feeling like a spare part.

chelsea murphy and paul robinson in neighbours
Amazon Freevee / FremantleMedia Australia

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Chelsea suffers a second setback when she claims to Paul that his solicitors have suggested re-evaluating his will – particularly the portions which list Terese as a beneficiary.

Paul dismisses this and vows not to make any changes, leaving Chelsea worried that he'll never let go of Terese.

Chelsea later searches for inspiration in the will document and looks carefully at the names of Paul's children.

Deciding that Paul's loyalty to his kids is something she can capitalise on, Chelsea secretly throws away her contraceptive pills before desperately trying to seduce Paul.

Neighbours airs these scenes on Monday, March 18.

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

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