'Neoliberalism is a death cult': quotes from climate activists in Madrid

MADRID (Reuters) - Teenage activist Greta Thunberg and a group of young climate campaigners from across the world addressed a United Nations summit on climate change in Madrid on Monday. [L8N28J33D]

It was Thunberg's first official appearance at the meeting of nearly 200 states tasked with fleshing out the rules of the 2015 Paris Agreement on limiting global temperature rises.

Here are quotes from the panel.

Greta Thunberg, Sweden:

"(Indigenous peoples') rights are being violated across the world and they are also among the ones being hit the most and the quickest by the climate and environmental emergency."

Angela Valenzuela, Chile

"While countries congratulate each other for their weak commitments the world is literally burning out."

"Instead of talking about how to transition from fossil fuels, COP25 is focused on finding elaborate ways for rich industrialised countries to be able to carry on polluting while pretending not to."

"As we know well in Chile, neoliberalism is a death cult. As we know from past attempts, the market will not save us from the climate crisis."

Carlon Zackhras, Marshall Islands

"We have been told if we want to stay in our islands we have to adapt and elevate with migration as the only plan B."

"We are having to deal with issues we did not create."

"My home is only two metres above water. With the threat of climate change we lose two metres of our culture."

Nakabuye Hilda Flavia, Uganda

"It a bit reminds me of the rampant racism and apartheid my ancestors endured. We are suffering severe effects of climate change, as if coming from the global south is a mortal sin, with no or very little action from developing countries."

"Which type of storm or flavour of floods must Africa taste for us to get climate justice."

"Developed countries must be ashamed of themselves given the amount of carbon they emit compared to what Africa is emitting. We almost emit nothing but we are suffering the most."

Rose Whipple, Santee Dakota, Ho-Chunk, Winnebago, USA

"The climate crisis is a spiritual crisis for our entire world. Our solutions must weave science and spirituality and traditional ecological knowledge with technology."

"Our movements must be bigger than recycling and braver than holding signs."

"It is up to each and every one of us to build movements that centre the rights of indigenous peoples, healing and justice for the next seven generations."

(Reporting by Isla Binnie; Editing by Giles Elgood)