Net migration to Britain rose to 323,000 in year to September 2015 - data

LONDON (Reuters) - Net migration to Britain rose to 323,000 in the year to September 2015, official data showed on Thursday, putting pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron in the run-up to a vote on membership of the European Union. That figure was up 31,000 from the previous year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said. In 2010 Cameron promised to reduce the annual level to below 100,000. The ONS also said net migration of EU citizens was estimated to be 172,000 in the year to September, up from 158,000 the previous year. Cameron has negotiated a deal to curb some welfare payments to EU migrants which he says addresses public concern about the level of immigration but critics say it will do nothing to reduce the number of people coming to Britain. (Reporting by Kylie MacLellan; editing by Costas Pitas)