Netflix's Shadow and Bone season 2 trailer gives new look at Marvel and The OA stars

shadow and bone lewis tan as tonya in season 2
Shadow and Bone s2 trailer shows Marvel, OA starsDávid Lukács - Netflix

Netflix has released a brand new trailer for the second season of Shadow and Bone, and it has given us a new look into Marvel’s Lewis Tan and The OA actor Patrick Gibson.

The synopsis for season two is as follows: "Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land, all while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. But she can't outrun her past or her destiny for long."

And if the trailer is anything to go by, this season will be as action-packed as the first.

Related: Shadow and Bone season 2 – everything you need to know

The second season will see the return of Jessie Mei Li as Alina Starkov, Ben Barnes as General Kirigan/The Darkling, Freddy Carter as Kaz Brekker, Amita Suman as Inej Ghafa, Kit Young as Jesper Fahey, Archie Renaux as Malyen "Mal" Oretsev, Danielle Galligan as Nina Zenik, Zoë Wanamaker as Baghra and Luke Pasqualino as David Kostyk.

We also have new cast members Gibson and Tan, as well as Jack Wolfe (The Witcher) and Anna Leong Brophy (Ragdoll).

shadow and bone patrick gibson as sturhmond in episode 201 of shadow and bone cr dávid lukácsnetflix © 2022

Related: First look at Shadow and Bone season 2

"Adventure, danger, now you’re speaking my language," Gibson's Nikolai says in the trailer as he smiles and takes a drink.

We also catch glimpses of Tan as he raises his sword, ready to fight a shadowy object. He plays the character of Tolya Yul-Bataar.

Of course, the first season of the show ended on a cliffhanger, with Kirigan entering into The Fold through fairly distasteful means, and with equally questionable motives. We're just weeks away from seeing exactly what happens next.

Shadow and Bone is streaming on Netflix. Season 2 premieres on March 16, 2023.

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