New Singapore study on the biology of ageing

One in five Singaporeans are expected to be aged 65 and above by 2030

A new study to identify biomarkers of ageing has been launched to help Singaporeans live healthier and longer lives.

The SG90 study, jointly launched by The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the National University Health System (NUSH), will look at 1,000 individuals aged 90 and above from three major Asian ethnic groups in Singapore and the biological signatures of healthy ageing.

Specifically, it will look at developing solutions to extend one’s health span, or the length of time in which one is free of the harmful conditions of old age.

The health of these individuals will also be tracked to understand the processes relating to the onset and development of diseases in them.

“A more fundamental approach to understand scientifically how Singaporeans can adapt our diet and lifestyle, in a way that improves health span, is a challenge that we must take on,” said Associate Professor Chong Yap Seng, Executive Director of A*STAR’s Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS).

Singapore is one of the fastest ageing countries in the world, with one in five Singaporeans expected to be aged 65 and above by 2030. The vast majority of the nearly million people then will have at least one medical condition.