NHS Doctor Explains Why You Really Shouldn't Eat A Full Easter Egg In One Day

Close-up, People, Eating, Easter egg, Hands
Close-up, People, Eating, Easter egg, Hands Pollyana Ventura via Getty Images

An NHS doctor has warned keen Easter celebrants to avoid eating an Easter egg in one go this weekend (I feel attacked).

Dr. Kelso, a medical director at the NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board, said when interviewed for the board’s blog that we should “resist the urge to eat a whole egg in one go.”

“At a time like this when we are seeing significant increases in cases of obesity and Type 2 diabetes, as well as tooth decay, I urge people to enjoy their Easter eggs in moderation and resist the urge to eat a whole egg in one go,” the now-unavailable post read.

The post pointed to the calorific nature of Easter eggs

Of course, many of us know that Easter eggs aren’t exactly a diet food ― but Dr. Kelso suggested we may not know just how much we’re packing away when we eat an egg in one sitting.

It can amount to as much as three-quarters of an adult’s recommended daily intake, he said.

“As well as Easter eggs, many of us will be meeting up with family and friends for social occasions which will see us eat more cakes and biscuits,” the post read.

“Combined, it all adds up to a lot of extra sugar and calories, which doesn’t do our bodies any good. Enjoy your sweet treats, but please don’t overdo it.”

People had... thoughts 

Under a now-deleted X (formerly Twitter) post about the topic, people commented their reactions to the advice.

“Is there another way to eat Easter eggs? Who knew?” one commenter joked.

“Don’t tell me how to live my life Dr. Kelso,” another doctor light-heartedly replied.

“When I first saw... the first bit of the original post, I thought it was going to be a spoof/comedy bit from Dr Bob Kelso á la Scrubs. But nope… it’s real,” yet another person replied.
