Nicholas Tse: "The nude photos did not cause the divorce"

Nicholas Tse: "The nude photos did not cause the divorce"

22 Oct – Nicholas Tse admitted that his marriage failure was not due to Cecilia Cheung's scandalous affair with Edison Chen.

Popular Asians reported that during an interview with talk show host, Luisa Lai, the actor shared his thoughts and views on many subjects, including his love for ex-wife, Cecilia Cheung.

The actor stated, "We have gone through many tough times and challenges together. Unfortunately, our marriage still ended in divorce."

When asked what attracted him to Cheung in the first place, he said, "It was her personality. She's not afraid to love and hate. She is a very kind-hearted person."

The actor also denied that photos of Cheung's sex scandal with Chen and both of them being on the same flight last year were the cause of the divorce, claiming that he has never seen such photos.

Instead, he was full of praises for his ex-wife, expressing his gratitude as Cheung has never made any negative remarks about him to his sons, Lucas and Quintus. To this day, the father and sons relationship is still intact.

However, when asked if there is any chance of reconciliation with Cheung, he replied, "No, it truly doesn't look like it's going to happen."

The actor also talked about his former girlfriend, actress-singer Faye Wong. He revealed that one of his weaknesses is handling relationships, adding that his failed relationship with Faye Wong was an important learning experience in his life.