Nicola Sturgeon arrested in investigation into SNP’s finances

First minister Nicola Sturgeon  (REUTERS)
First minister Nicola Sturgeon (REUTERS)

Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested by police investigating allegations of financial misconduct at the Scottish National Party.

The former first minister is being held in custody and questioned by detectives looking into claims that £600,000 in donations for an independence campaign was misspent by the party.

The former first minister is the third high-profile SNP figure to be arrested as part of Operation Branchform, the Police Scotland name for the investigation.

Her detention comes after her husband Peter Murrell was arrested at the home they share in Uddingston near Glasgow on 5 April. He was interviewed under caution for nearly 12 hours before being released without charge.

Colin Beattie, an MSP who was then the party’s treasurer, was also arrested and questioned as part of the same investigation on 18 April. He was also released later without charge, pending further investigation.

Just hours before Ms Sturgeon’s arrest Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf told the BBC she was “in a good place and doing well”, adding he welcomed advice from “one of the best politicians, the most impressive politicians, Europe has seen over the last couple of decades”.

A statement issued by Police Scotland on Sunday afternoon said: “A 52-year-old woman has today, Sunday 11 June 2023, been arrested as a suspect in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party.

“The woman is in custody and is being questioned by Police Scotland detectives.

“A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

“The matter is active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.

“As the investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further.”

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