Nicola Sturgeon – latest: SNP auditors quit after Peter Murrell arrest in finance probe

The accountants that audit the SNP’s accounts have resigned after the party’s former chief executive was arrested in a police investigation into SNP finances.

Accountancy firm Johnston Carmichael took the decision after reviewing its client portfolio, the BBC reports.

Peter Murrell, who is married to Scotland’s former first minister Nicola Sturgeon and recently stood down from his SNP job, was released without charge pending further investigation after 12 hours of questioning.

An SNP spokesman said: “We can confirm that Johnston Carmichael will not be providing audit services to the SNP this year.

“The national treasurer is undertaking a tendering process for alternative provision and we have advised the Electoral Commission of that position.”

Police had searched the garden at the couple’s Glasgow home after Mr Murrell’s arrest this week.

The arrest related to a long-running police investigation into the spending of about £600,000 earmarked for Scottish independence campaigning.

Ms Sturgeon announced her own resignation in February, which has since prompted questions about how much she knew.

She has said she had no prior knowledge of Police Scotland’s action or intentions when her husband was arrested.

Key Points

  • Former Scottish first minister says she ‘will fully co-operate’ with police if required

  • Murrell released without charge nearly 12 hours after arrest

  • Police seen scouring couple’s Glasgow home

SNP accountants resign

13:39 , Jane Dalton

The accountancy firm that has been auditing the SNP’s accounts have resigned after the party’s former chief executive was arrested in a police investigation into the finances.

Johnston Carmichael, which had worked with the party for more than a decade, reviewed its client portfolio, the BBC reports.

The SNP has launched a tendering process for new accountants.

An SNP spokesman said: “We can confirm that Johnston Carmichael will not be providing audit services to the SNP this year.”

Scotland has been a one-party state in all but name – so what now?

12:51 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The troubles of the SNP will not end the quest for Scottish independence, believes Mary Dejevsky

A meltdown, an implosion, a trainwreck: however you describe what has happened in Scottish politics over the past eight weeks, it is hard to envisage any rapid return to pre-eminence for the SNP. It is hard, too, to feel anything other than sympathy for Scottish National Party’s new leader, Humza Yousaf, who has been unceremoniously left with a shattered inheritance.

The dawn raid by police at the house shared by the former SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, and her husband, the party’s former chief executive Peter Murrell, signified the latest nadir. A neighbour saw the blue tent erected in the garden and feared there had been a murder.

There had not been a murder – but a death of a kind there had been. The dream – for some Scots – of independence is over, probably for at least a generation.

Scotland has been a one-party state in all but name – so what now? | Mary Dejevsky

Humza Yousaf: No conspiracy over timing of the arrest of Peter Murrell

11:56 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

In case you missed it...

Claims that the SNP and police were “in cahoots” over the timing of Peter Murrell’s arrest have been dismissed as a conspiracy theory by the First Minister, as he admitted the situation had been “difficult and bruising” for the party.

Police searched the home Mr Murrell – the former chief executive of the party – shared with former first minister Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday as part of an investigation into how £600,000, earmarked for an independence campaign, was spent.

Mr Murrell was released on Wednesday evening without charge, pending further investigation.

Speaking to journalists in Bute House on Thursday, Mr Yousaf said it was “very, very clear that the governance of the party was not as it should be”.

Humza Yousaf: No conspiracy over timing of the arrest of Peter Murrell

Who is Peter Murrell? Nicola Sturgeon’s husband arrested over SNP finance probe

10:23 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

For almost a decade Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon were the husband and wife team in charge of the SNP.

But now Mr Murrell is at the centre of an SNP finance investigation and has been arrested by Police Scotland in connection with the ongoing probe into the party’s financing.

Police Scotland said a 58-year-old man is in custody and is being questioned by detectives.

Thomas Kinglsey reports:

Who is Peter Murrell? Nicola Sturgeon’s husband arrested over SNP finance probe

Nicola Sturgeon ‘likely’ influenced by police probe when she decided to quit, ex-SNP minister claims

09:04 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

A police probe into Nicola Sturgeon’s husband was “likely” a factor in her decision to quit, an ex-SNP minister claimed.

Scotland’s former health secretary Alex Neil said it is “hard to believe” the investigation, which saw her husband arrested yesterday morning, was not a factor in Ms Sturgeon’s resignation.

And, speaking to The Independent, he said the leadership election which saw Humza Yousaf take over as SNP leader and first minister was a “total stitch up”.

Seperately, Mr Neil told the BBC: “Nicola resigned very suddenly, everybody and their granny knew about this investigation.

“There were very strong rumours for the past couple of months that some kind of arrest was possibly imminent. So it is hard to believe that it was not a factor in Nicola’s consideration.”

‘No conspiracy over arrest timing’ says Yousaf as questions grow for SNP

Mary Dejevsky: Scotland has been a one-party state in all but name – so what now?

02:00 , Emily Atkinson

A meltdown, an implosion, a trainwreck: however you describe what has happened in Scottish politics over the past eight weeks, it is hard to envisage any rapid return to pre-eminence for the SNP, writes Mary Dejevsky. It is hard, too, to feel anything other than sympathy for Scottish National Party’s new leader, Humza Yousaf, who has been unceremoniously left with a shattered inheritance.

The dawn raid by police at the house shared by the former SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, and her husband, the party’s former chief executive Peter Murrell, signified the latest nadir. A neighbour saw the blue tent erected in the garden and feared there had been a murder.

There had not been a murder – but a death of a kind there had been. The dream – for some Scots – of independence is over, probably for at least a generation.

Scotland has been a one-party state in all but name – so what now? | Mary Dejevsky

Nicola Sturgeon’s husband arrest - all we know as police search former SNP leader’s garden and bins

Friday 7 April 2023 00:00 , Emily Atkinson

Police remain outside the home of Nicola Sturgeon and her husband Peter Murrell after he was arrested and released without charge in a probe into the SNP’s finances.

Former SNP chief executive Mr Murrell’s arrest has raised questions about what his wife, the former SNP leader, knew about the investigation before her abrupt resignation last month.

Three police vans were parked outside the couple’s Glasgow home on Thursday morning, with two uniformed officers stationed outside.

My colleague Thomas Kingsley has more:

Nicola Sturgeon husband arrest - all we know as police search ex SNP leader’s garden

‘No conspiracy over arrest timing’ says Yousaf – but questions grow for SNP

Thursday 6 April 2023 22:00 , Emily Atkinson

Claims that the SNP and police were “in cahoots” over the timing of Peter Murrell’s arrest have been dismissed as a conspiracy theory by new party leader, Humza Yousaf.

Police detained Mr Murrell and searched the home he shares with his wife Nicola Sturgeon as part of an investigation into how £600,000, earmarked for an independence campaign, was spent.

Mr Murrell recently quit as chief executive of the party, while Ms Sturgeon stood down as leader and first minister of Scotland, citing the pressures of almost a decade in the job.

Read our political correspondent Archie Mitchell’s rundown of today’s developments:

‘No conspiracy over arrest timing’ says Yousaf as questions grow for SNP

Flynn expresses ‘shock’ at seeing police tent outside Sturgeon’s home

Thursday 6 April 2023 20:00 , Emily Atkinson

The SNP’s Westminister leader has expressed “shock” at seeing a police tent set up outside Nicola Sturgeon’s home following the arrest of her husband, Peter Murrell.

Speaking to the News Agents podcast, Stephen Flynn said: “I’ll be honest with you, it came as a little bit of a shock to me to see those images because I think we all associate police tents with forensic activities and the like, but I don’t know what the police are doing.

“I don’t know what they’re looking for. I don’t know what they’ve found, if anything. It’s all guesswork at this stage.”

He added: “I mean it’s hard to get the imagery of that tent out of your mind, isn’t it? It’s kind of stuck in my mind the last 24 hours or so, that’s for sure.

“But again, I don’t know what it is the police are actually doing or looking for so it’s hard to put any of that together.”

Latest images from Peter Murrell’s Glasgow home

Thursday 6 April 2023 19:01 , Emily Atkinson

Images capture police officers carrying boxes filled with what appears to be teabags, milk and other kitchen supplies from the house of Peter Murrell in Glasgow.


The former chief executive of the Scottish National Party (SNP) was "released without charge pending further investigation" after he was arrested on Wednesday as part of a probe into the party's finances.

A second photo shows a series of dated boxes stacked inside Mr Murrell’s garage.


First Minister dismisses SNP leadership election ‘conspiracy theory'

Thursday 6 April 2023 18:15 , Emily Atkinson

Claims that the SNP and police were “in cahoots” over the timing of Peter Murrell’s arrest have been dismissed as a conspiracy theory by the first minister.

Speaking to journalists in Bute House on Thursday, Mr Yousaf said it was “very, very clear that the governance of the party was not as it should be”.

But Scottish Tory constitution spokesman Donald Cameron said Mr Yousaf had not previously raised issues about governance of the party publicly, accusing him of trying to “distance himself” from Peter Murrell.


“These belated calls for transparency and about how the SNP should be run, simply will not wash,” Mr Cameron added.

Asked if the leadership election, which concluded last week with a win for Mr Yousaf, would have been impacted by Mr Murrell’s arrest had it happened while it was taking place, Mr Yousaf said: “To me, that sounds like a bit of a conspiracy theory that somehow we are in cahoots with Police Scotland.

“The timing of an investigation is absolutely for Police Scotland, that’s not determined by anybody else.”

Officers remain outside home of former Scottish first minister

Thursday 6 April 2023 17:30 , Emily Atkinson

Police are still lining the street outside the home of former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon and her husband Peter Murrell.

Yesterday, police arrested and later released Mr Murrell, the former chief executive for the Scottish National Party, as part of an investigation into the party's finances.

Here are some photos from the scene taken at 5pm:

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

‘Bruising’ period for SNP presents ‘opportunity’ for next generation of politicians, says Yousaf

Thursday 6 April 2023 16:46 , Andy Gregory

Here are more details from Humza Yousaf’s comments to reporters this afternoon.

Speaking to journalists in Edinburgh’s Bute House on Thursday, Scotland’s first minister said it was “very, very clear that the governance of the party was not as it should be”.

Asked if the leadership election, which concluded last week with a win for Mr Yousaf, would have been impacted by Mr Murrell’s arrest had it happened earlier, Mr Yousaf said: “To me, that sounds like a bit of a conspiracy theory that somehow we are in cahoots with Police Scotland.

“The timing of an investigation is absolutely for Police Scotland, that’s not determined by anybody else.”

He added: “There’s no doubt the last few weeks and the events of yesterday have been difficult and bruising for the party,” he said.

“But there’s also an opportunity – with a new leader in place and a new chief executive in place, generally a next generation coming through. You’ve seen that with my cabinet, you’ve seen, of course, the Westminster leadership in terms of Stephen Flynn and Mhairi Black.

“There’s a huge opportunity for us to re-energise, to refresh, and to make sure we are being as bold and as ambitious as we possibly can be for the people of Scotland.”

Full report: Nicola Sturgeon ‘likely’ influenced by probe when she chose to quit, ex-SNP minister claims

Thursday 6 April 2023 16:17 , Andy Gregory

A police probe into Nicola Sturgeon’s husband was “likely” a factor in her decision to quit, an ex-SNP minister has claimed.

Scotland’s former health secretary Alex Neil said it is “hard to believe” the investigation, which saw her husband arrested yesterday morning, was not a factor in Ms Sturgeon’s resignation.

And, speaking to The Independent, he said the leadership election which saw Humza Yousaf take over as SNP leader and first minister was a “total stitch up”.

Our political correspondent Archie Mitchell has the full report:

Nicola Sturgeon decision to quit ‘likely’ influenced by police probe, ex-SNP minister

Police remain outside Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell’s home

Thursday 6 April 2023 15:48 , Andy Gregory

Police have dismantled one of the screens outside the Glasgow home of Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell, but several uniformed officers remained outside the house on Thursday afternoon.

Officers could be seen carrying what looked like toolboxes and rolls of cable from the property.

 (Andy Buchanan/AFP via Getty Images)
(Andy Buchanan/AFP via Getty Images)

Claims of SNP leadership election ‘stitch up’ are ‘conspiracy theory’, says Humza Yousaf

Thursday 6 April 2023 15:24 , Andy Gregory

Scotland’s first minister Humza Yousaf has denounced claims police are “in cahoots” with the SNP over the timing of Peter Murrell’s arrest as a “conspiracy theory”.

Speaking to media at his official residence, Bute House in Edinburgh, he said the last few days have been “difficult and bruising” for the party.

Former SNP chief Mr Murrell was arrested then released without charge on Wednesday over a long-running investigation into the party’s finances.

Mr Yousaf said it is “very very clear” the SNP’s governance needs to be improved, but said he has faith in Colin Beattie as party treasurer.

Humza Yousaf election now looks like 'stitch-up', says ex-SNP minister

Thursday 6 April 2023 14:49 , Andy Gregory

My colleague Adam Forrest reports:

Former SNP minister Alex Neil has told The Independent that the leadership election which saw Humza Yousaf take over as SNP leader and first minister looked like a “total stitch up”.

Mr Neil said: “The contest was a total stitch up. The party establishment moved heaven and earth to make sure Humza won.

“He was the continuity candidate and had all this happened before members were able to vote I am certain the continuity candidate would not have won.”

The former Scottish health secretary added: “But it is over now, the race has been run and you should not cry over spilled milk. Humza should bring [leadership rival] Kate Forbes into his cabinet to reunite the party.”

Health secretary says he will not provide ‘running commentary’ on police investigation

Thursday 6 April 2023 14:18 , Andy Gregory

The Scottish Government will not provide a “running commentary” of the investigation into the SNP’s finances, Scotland’s health secretary has said, but conceded it was a “difficult time” for the party.

Speaking during a visit to an NHS 24 call centre in Glasgow, Michael Matheson told the Press Association: “There’s a live police investigation here and I think the important thing is that we give the police the space that they need – without a running commentary – as part of their investigation.

“I don’t intend to be providing a running commentary around that. What I’ve been very clear about - and what the party has been very clear about - is that the party will comply with any requests made by the police for information.”

He added: “I think it’s important that I acknowledge – and the first minister acknowledged this yesterday – it’s a difficult time for the party at the present moment, given this investigation, but it’s important we allow the police to get on with their job and to carry out a very thorough and detailed investigation, and see what the outcome of that is.”

Video report: Peter Murrell arrested in SNP finance probe

Thursday 6 April 2023 13:49 , Andy Gregory

Timeline of police probe into SNP finances

Thursday 6 April 2023 13:22 , Andy Gregory

Police Scotland launched an investigation in 2019 into potential criminality in the SNP’s fundraising, after claims around £660,000 raised since 2017 for a second independence referendum campaign was spent on other things.

Our political correspondent Adam Forrest has taken a closer look at how the story of the finance inquiry and Peter Murrell’s arrest unfolded:

Operation Branchform: Timeline of police probe into SNP finances

Who is Peter Murrell?

Thursday 6 April 2023 12:51 , Thomas Kingsley

Peter Murrell was born in Edinburgh in 1964 and attended Craigmount High School in the city before studying at the University of Glasgow.

He was SNP chief executive since 1999, and was the man responsible for the day-to-day running of the party, which was at one point the second largest in the UK. That job meant Mr Murrell was one of the most influential figures in Scottish politics, despite having never been an elected politician.

However last month he announced he was resigning with immediate effect, amid a row over the party’s membership numbers and transparency. It comes almost a quarter of a century after he succeeded Mike Russell, the current SNP president, as the party’s chief executive.

Before that Mr Murrell had worked in the constituency office of former SNP leader Alex Salmond.

Mr Murrell married Ms Sturgeon, then SNP depute leader and Scottish deputy first minister, in 2010, with Mr Salmond, the then first minister, among the guests. The pair had first met in 1988 at an SNP youth weekend but didn’t become a couple officially in 2003.

Ms Sturgeon on her wedding day with husband in 2010 (PA Wire)
Ms Sturgeon on her wedding day with husband in 2010 (PA Wire)

What role did Peter Murrell play in the SNP?

Thursday 6 April 2023 12:24 , Andy Gregory

Peter Murrell is regarded by many as having played a key role in transforming the party’s fortunes, helping to modernise SNP operations, reports my colleague Thomas Kingsley.

While membership has fallen from the peak of about 125,000 achieved in 2018, to the recently revealed total of 72,186, the party remains easily the largest in Scotland.

And with Mr Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon at the helm, the SNP has cemented its electoral dominance, having been in power at Holyrood since 2007 and won every election north of the border since then.

However, critics of the SNP under Ms Sturgeon’s leadership, both inside and outside the party, long questioned whether it is appropriate to have the key roles of leader and chief executive held by one couple.

An earlier arrest could have impacted SNP leadership election, suggests ex-minister

Thursday 6 April 2023 11:52 , Andy Gregory

Had Peter Murrell’s arrest come earlier, it could have impacted upon which SNP politician was chosen to replace Nicola Sturgeon, a former Scottish Government minister has suggested.

Asked about Humza Yousaf's election as Scotland’s first minister, Salmond-era minister Alex Neil said: “Humza stood as the continuity candidate. Had this all happened ... prior to the ballot opening, I’m absolutely sure that the continuity candidate would have found it much more difficult to win.”

‘Hard to believe’ probe not factor in Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation, says former SNP minister

Thursday 6 April 2023 11:36 , Andy Gregory

Former Scottish Government minister Alex Neil said it is “hard to believe” that Peter Murrell’s arrest was not a factor in Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation as first minister.

The Salmond-era health secretary told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Well, Nicola did resign very suddenly. Everybody and their granny knew about this investigation.

“There were very strong rumours for the last couple of months that some kind of arrest was possibly imminent, so it’s hard to believe that it wasn’t a factor in Nicola’s consideration. Given that a large number of people had been interviewed, including staff at SNP headquarters, it’s hard to believe Nicola wasn’t aware.”

More police officers arrive at Peter Murrell’s Glasgow home

Thursday 6 April 2023 10:50 , Andy Gregory

More police officers have been seen arriving at the Glasgow home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon.

Several were stationed outside while plain-clothes officers could be seen entering and leaving the property, one carrying two large rolls of bubble wrap.

One of the uniformed officers was wearing white protective foot coverings while other officers could be seen carrying them after leaving the house. One of the police vans left the scene at around 10.15am.

 (Andy Buchanan/AFP via Getty Images)
(Andy Buchanan/AFP via Getty Images)

Labour lead Tories in London by 40%, YouGov finds

Thursday 6 April 2023 10:25 , Andy Gregory

As the arrest of Peter Murrell – who was released without charge – raises SNP fears of a dent in its electoral prospects in the face of an ascendant Scottish Labour party, polling by YouGov suggests that Sir Keir Starmer’s party leads the Tories in London by 40 per cent.

It is the largest Labour lead since YouGov’s polling began in 2010.

Politics Explained | What the SNP arrest means for UK politics and Scottish independence

Thursday 6 April 2023 09:56 , Andy Gregory

How much trouble is the SNP in? After 16 years in power, mostly without much serious competition, the party seems to be losing its mojo, writes our associate editor Sean O’Grady:

What the SNP arrest means for UK politics and Scottish independence

Pictured: Ex-SNP leader’s home remains cordoned off

Thursday 6 April 2023 09:31 , Andy Gregory

Three police vans were parked outside the home of Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell this morning, with two uniformed officers stationed outside.

A large blue tent remained in place in the front garden of the property, which has been screened off with blue police screens, while the house and garden remain cordoned off with police tape.

Police Scotland sits outside the home of former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell (Robert Perry/PA Wire)
Police Scotland sits outside the home of former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell (Robert Perry/PA Wire)
 (Robert Perry/PA Wire)
(Robert Perry/PA Wire)

Nicola Sturgeon pulls out of climate change event

Thursday 6 April 2023 09:12 , Andy Gregory

Nicola Sturgeon has pulled out of a climate change event this evening as police continue to investigate her husband in a probe into the SNP’s finances.

Ms Sturgeon had been due to take part in a conversation with Mexican diplomat Patricia Espinosa, former chair of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at Edinburgh Science Festival.

An Edinburgh Science spokesperson said: “While Nicola Sturgeon MSP is no longer attending our Climate of Change event, we are thrilled to be welcoming MSP Mairi McAllan, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition, who will join ambassador Patricia Espinosa for this vital conversation.

“The Edinburgh Science Festival has been proudly programming events such as these which highlight and inspire people of all ages and all backgrounds to action on our climate emergency for many years. We look forward to welcoming our audiences to this insightful and inspiring discussion.”

Police continue search of Nicola Sturgeon’s home after husband released

Thursday 6 April 2023 08:51 , Andy Gregory

Police vans parked outside Sturgeons home

Thursday 6 April 2023 08:15 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Three police vans were parked outside the Glasgow home of Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell on Thursday morning, with two uniformed officers stationed outside.

A large blue tent remains in place in the front garden of the property, which has been screened off with blue police screens.

The house and garden remain cordoned off with police tape.

Nicola Sturgeon faces questions after husband arrested in SNP finance investigation

Thursday 6 April 2023 08:00 , Shweta Sharma

“Big questions” are to be asked of the SNP leadership, Labour said on Wednesday, after Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell was arrested as part of the ongoing investigation into party finances.

The 58-year-old, who quit as the party’s chief executive last month, was taken into custody and questioned as officers and forensic experts, some carrying shovels, searched the couple’s South Lanarkshire home and back garden.

Ms Sturgeon has come under pressure to reveal whether she knew about an impending arrest before her shock resignation in February – at which time she cited the pressures of almost a decade in the job – amid reports that senior party figures were interviewed by police in the days before she stood down.

Questions for Sturgeon and SNP after husband arrested in SNP cash investigation

Investigation into SNP not the reason for Sturgeon’s resignation, says Yousaf

Thursday 6 April 2023 07:40 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Scotland’s First Minister has said he does not believe the investigation into the SNP’s finances was the reason for his predecessor’s resignation.

Speaking to the PA news agency on Wednesday, just hours after the arrest, Humza Yousaf said: “I believe her very much when she says how exhausted she was.

“I think anybody who watched her over the course of the pandemic during those daily briefings, day after day, I think anybody could understand how exhausting that is.

“So, no, I don’t think (Peter Murrell’s arrest) is the reason why Nicola Sturgeon stood down.”

Humza Yousaf was speaking to the PA news agency in the hours after Peter Murrell’s arrest (PA Wire)
Humza Yousaf was speaking to the PA news agency in the hours after Peter Murrell’s arrest (PA Wire)

Nicola Sturgeon faces questions after husband arrested in SNP finance investigation

Thursday 6 April 2023 07:20 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

“Big questions” are to be asked of the SNP leadership, Labour said on Wednesday, after Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell was arrested as part of the ongoing investigation into party finances.

The 58-year-old, who quit as the party’s chief executive last month, was taken into custody and questioned as officers and forensic experts, some carrying shovels, searched the couple’s South Lanarkshire home and back garden.

Ms Sturgeon has come under pressure to reveal whether she knew about an impending arrest before her shock resignation in February – at which time she cited the pressures of almost a decade in the job – amid reports that senior party figures were interviewed by police in the days before she stood down.

Questions for Sturgeon and SNP after husband arrested in SNP cash investigation

Ex-first minister Alex Salmond says he is sad what SNP has become

Thursday 6 April 2023 07:03 , Shweta Sharma

Former SNP leader Alex Salmond reacted to Peter Murrell’s arrest, saying he is sad to see what is happening to the party.

Mr Salmond who leads the Alba party, was the leader of SNP from 2004 to 2014, at a time when Mr Murrell was a chief executive.

“Look, I led the SNP for a long time so I’m very sad about what’s happening to it and indeed about what it’s become, but we should remember the cause for independence and the case for it has never been stronger,” he said when in Edinburgh.

“And that’s what myself and Alba concentrate on putting forward.”

Operation Branchform: Timeline of police probe into SNP finances

Thursday 6 April 2023 07:00 , Shweta Sharma

Former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, Nicola Sturgeon’s husband, has been arrested in connection with a Police Scotland investigation into party finances.

The probe into £660,000 raised specifically for Scottish independence campaigning was launched after it was alleged money had been diverted from “ring-fenced” fund – sparking the exit of several senior people from the SNP.

The Independent takes a closer look at how the story of the finance inquiry and Mr Murrell’s arrest unfolded:

Operation Branchform: Timeline of police probe into SNP finances

Video shows police pitch tent outside Sturgeon’s home before arrest

Thursday 6 April 2023 06:00 , Shweta Sharma

Several police vehicles were seen parked outside the Glasgow home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon and a blue police tent was erected in the front garden.

The blue tarp was apparently put to screen the house from view and a police cordon was put in place around the property.

Moments later Mr Murrell was taken into custody and quizzed by police in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party.

Who is Peter Murrell? Nicola Sturgeon’s husband arrested over SNP finance probe

Thursday 6 April 2023 05:03 , Shweta Sharma

For almost a decade Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon were the husband and wife team in charge of the SNP.

But now Mr Murrell is at the centre of an SNP finance investigation and has been arrested by Police Scotland in connection with the ongoing probe into the party’s financing.

Police Scotland said a 58-year-old man is in custody and is being questioned by detectives.

Read Thomas Kingsley’s detailed report.

Who is Peter Murrell? Nicola Sturgeon’s husband arrested over SNP finance probe

SNP leader says difficult day for the party following arrest

Thursday 6 April 2023 04:01 , Shweta Sharma

First minister and Scottish National Party leader Humza Yousaf said Peter Murrell’s arrest was a difficult day for the party.

“My reaction, as you’d imagine, much like anybody involved in the SNP, is that this is a difficulty for the party,” he told broadcasters.

“But, again, I’d just reiterate and emphasise it’s so important for me not to comment on a live police investigation and be seen to prejudice that in any way, shape or form.”

He added he will wait to see what comes at the conclusion of that police investigation.

He also denied that the arrest of Mr Murrell, who is the husband of former first minister Nicola Sturgeon, was linked to her resignation last month.

SNP probe not reason for Sturgeon’s quitting, says Yousaf

Thursday 6 April 2023 02:45 , Jane Dalton

Nicola Sturgeon’s successor as Scotland’s First Minister said he did not believe the investigation into the SNP’s finances was the reason for her resignation:

Investigation into SNP not the reason for Sturgeon’s resignation, says Yousaf

What the arrest means for UK politics and Scottish independence

Thursday 6 April 2023 01:45 , Jane Dalton

In the most recent poll ratings, the SNP is still the leading party, writes Sean O’Grady.

But leaderw will discuss its best path to a further referendum – and then winning it – at a special party conference.

What the SNP arrest means for UK politics and Scottish independence

Murrell released without charge

Thursday 6 April 2023 00:45 , Jane Dalton

On Wednesday evening, a Police Scotland spokesperson said Mr Murrell had been released without charge.

They said: “A 58-year-old man who was arrested as a suspect earlier today in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party, has been released without charge pending further investigation.

“The man was questioned by Police Scotland detectives after he was arrested at 7.45am. He was released from custody at 6.57pm.

“Officers also carried out searches today at a number of addresses as part of the investigation.

“A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

“The matter remains active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.

“As the investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further.”

Police seen scouring Sturgeon's home

Wednesday 5 April 2023 23:45 , Jane Dalton

Police were seen scouring the back garden of the former first minister after her husband was arrested following an investigation into the SNP’s finances:

Police spotted scouring Sturgeon home after husband’s arrest in finances probe

The husband-and-wife team in charge of the SNP

Wednesday 5 April 2023 22:45 , Jane Dalton

Peter Murrell’s career to date and how he and Ms Sturgeon became key figures in Scotland’s political landscape:

Who is Peter Murrell? Nicola Sturgeon’s husband arrested over SNP finance probe

Labour says SNP has ‘big questions’ to answer

Wednesday 5 April 2023 21:45 , Jane Dalton

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has said there are “big questions” to be asked of the SNP following the arrest of the party’s former chief executive Peter Murrell:

Anas Sarwar: SNP has ‘big questions’ to answer following Murrell arrest