No announcement yet on Biden’s attendance at Ukraine’s Peace Summit in Switzerland — Sullivan

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at a briefing at the White House in Washington, DC, USA, May 22, 2024
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at a briefing at the White House in Washington, DC, USA, May 22, 2024

The United States cannot yet confirm President Joe Biden’s attendance at the upcoming Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said at a briefing on May 22.

Sullivan's comments came in response to a reporter’s question about whether Biden plans to participate in the summit.

Biden is the last G7 leader to accept the invitation, the journalist noted.

Read also: Zelenskyy highlights Global Peace Summit's role beyond Ukraine

Sullivan replied that he could not make any announcements regarding Biden’s participation at this time.

"I can only say that I have personally been involved in the preparations for this summit, as have other members of our government, and as you know, we have been a key player in promoting a vision of peace that includes the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter,” he said.

“But today, I have no announcements to make regarding the President's trip."

Read also: Scholz expects significant progress at Global Peace Summit in Switzerland - German media

Global Peace Summit in Switzerland

The first Global Peace Summit will be held on June 15-16 in the Swiss resort town of Burgenstock near Lucerne.

80 to 100 countries are expected to attend, according to Bloomberg.

The Swiss government said in a statement that the goal of the summit is to "create a common understanding" of how to achieve a "comprehensive, just and lasting peace" for Ukraine in accordance with international law and the UN Charter.

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The summit is expected to include German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and French President Emmanuel Macron. U.S. President Joe Biden might also participate.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on April 24 that Ukrainian intelligence had accurate information that Russia wanted to disrupt the peace summit.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on May 1 that Russia was not invited to the Global Peace Summit because it cannot be guaranteed that the aggressor state will act in good faith.

Read also: Zelenskyy invites Orban to the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland

The summit would discuss a prisoner exchange of "all for all," Zelenskyy mentioned on May 3.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented a ten-point peace formula at the G20 summit in November 2022.

It included, among other things, the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity, the withdrawal of Russian troops, the release of all prisoners, a tribunal for those responsible for aggression, and security guarantees for Ukraine, as well as radiation, nuclear, energy security, a strategy to counter ecocide, and other items.

Kyiv has invited foreign partners to take the lead in one of the plan's points.

Read also: Polish President confirms participation in Ukrainian Peace Summit in Switzerland

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