No One Should Ever Go Into The Ocean, And These Pictures Of Terrifying Sea Creatures Will Prove It

For some reason, scientists and adventurers seem to love exploring around in the depths of the ocean. But there's absolutely no need to do that because we have everything we need here on land: reality TV, foot massagers, and Cheetos. Plus, have you seen the horrifying abominations that live down there? Well, steel yourself and take a look — you'll definitely agree that no one needs to go into the ocean, EVER.

1.First up: Ursula, I think one of your mermaid slugs got out of debtor's prison.

Underwater shot of a deep-sea viperfish with sharp teeth and a bioluminescent organ, known for dwelling in the darkest ocean depths

2.Wow, they're already aware of 90s facial hair trends.

An elongated, eel-like deep-sea creature with a bioluminescent lure extending from its bottom jaw, swimming in a dark aquatic environment

It feels like the ribbon sawtail fish is probably a third cousin of the viperfish. Should we be allowing this freak of the week to have a lure for a goatee? I think not. Sloane, can you help me out with this one too?

Diegograndi / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3.Here's a little creep that hides in holes and perfectly blends in with its surroundings.

A fish with tiny sharp teeth peeks out from a hole surrounded by coral and rocks

Why does a jawfish need so many tiny little teeth, and how is it getting its eyeliner to stay on underwater? I really don't need something with powers like this being aware of my existence.

By Mike Lyvers / Getty Images

4.This little fiend is completely covered in spikes.

A spiny pufferfish with protruding features is underwater, blending in with its rocky surroundings; it looks mad

5.Obviously, this monster has far too many teeth.

A great white shark is swimming underwater with its mouth wide open, showing its sharp teeth

6.I'm pretty sure this fish is making a pass at me.

Spotted boxfish swimming in the ocean, near a rocky sea floor; it has surprisingly large lips

Honestly, the most terrifying thing about this trunkfish is the evidence that fish have evolved underwater aestheticians and lip filler. I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of them getting their slimy little fins on our technology.

Humberto Ramirez / Getty Images

7.You say tentacles, I say claws. Potato, potahto.

A jellyfish with long pointy tentacles floats gracefully in an underwater environment

Not only do fish have aestheticians, flame jellyfish have manicurists. Things are getting wayyy too advanced beneath the sea. Next thing we know, they're gonna be coming up here to do their own scientific research. *shiver*

Peter Togel / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8.I actually think I may have pulled this out of my shower drain.

Close-up of a frogfish camouflaged to blend with its surroundings. It appears covered with algae and seaweed, making it hard to distinguish from its environment

I can kind of see the frogfish's mouth and eyes, but I don't want to.

Atese / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9.Absolutely not.

A camouflaged stonefish partially buried in sand underwater, with a distinguishable sad face-like appearance

10.Oh fun, another thing covered in spikes.

Spiny sea cucumber lying on the ocean floor amidst sand and small rocks

I'm reading that this is a sea cucumber — but I've seen a cucumber, and it looks nothing like this. This is a living flesh log with little pokey bits all over, and I hate it.

WhitcomeRD / Getty Images/iStockphoto

11.A holographic nocturnal disco demon.

A close-up image of a bobbit worm partially buried in sand, showcasing its sharp jaws and iridescent body

This shiny little monster is called a Bobbit worm, and if you remember newsworthy events from the 90's, you'll know why. That sail-looking thing is apparently its set of extremely sharp jaws, and that segmented body is something I'll never let within a mile of my person.

scubaluna / Getty Images/iStockphoto

12.You've gotta be kidding me.

A close-up underwater shot of a stingray, seen from below, showing its unique, smiling face and textured body

13.This grump actually seems to understand my feelings about ocean life.

A close-up of a grumpy-looking fish underwater, showcasing its unique, flattened body and protruding, lip-like mouth

You're right, polka-dot batfish. The photographer shouldn't be there, and neither should anyone else. Feel free to uh...walk away on those legs? Or swim. I have no idea what those appendages are, and I'm too afraid to ask.

Michael J. Cohen, Photographer / Getty Images

14.This is the Mind Flayer from Stranger Things, right?

A close-up view of a sea spider with thin, elongated legs and a transparent body, observed among underwater flora

As if we don't have enough spiders on land, there are sea spiders under the water. I'd like to only be exposed to half of the Earth's spider population, please. Frankly, even that is too much.

Cultura Rf / Getty Images/Image Source

15.There are even fish that look like my fingertips after I've been in the bath too long.

A close-up of a large, rough-textured fish with a prominent head and deep-set eyes, positioned next to a rock in an underwater environment

Why is this wolffish deflating? It literally lives in a bath, 24/7. There's something suspicious going on here, and I don't like it.

Katana0007 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16.This Kirkland brand lobster has been around since the Paleozoic Era.

A large, segmented marine isopod with a hard exoskeleton and many legs crawling on a sandy surface

Look, the isopod should be extinct by now. I'm sure that's bad for habitats or whatever, but I think we should focus on what's best for me. And that is for this armored bug creature that can evade death for millennia not to exist.

Yiming Chen / Getty Images

17.Lastly, perhaps the most terrifying thing of all...

A scuba diver, fully equipped with diving gear and holding a rope, is underwater. Another person's hand, also holding the rope, is partially visible

There's always a chance you'll run into a MAN in the ocean, maybe even one ALSO using a goatee as a lure. And who would you rather run into alone in the sea, a man or a hideous demon with a trillion teeth? We all know the answer to that one.

Steve Woods Photography / Getty Images/Image Source

This is just a small selection of the horrors of the ocean — so what do you think? Have you been convinced never to go into the sea again, or do I need to show you more sharp and angry-looking creatures?