No, this video doesn’t show Wagner boss Prigozhin alive and well in Chad

Social media users have been circulating a video posted on May 23 featuring a man who they say looks “suspiciously” like the deceased boss of Russian state funded private military company Wagner – even though his face is blurred. However, a photo taken of the same scene as the video shows the man’s face… proving that he isn’t Yevgeny Prigozhin. He is, however, likely a Wagner official who was formerly one of Prigozhin’s right-hand men.

If you only have a minute…

  • Certain social media users have been circulating a video posted on X on May 23 featuring a White man that they say looks very much like Yevgeny Prigozhin, the former boss of Russian private military company Wagner. Well, in terms of his body shape, at least. In the video, filmed on the border between Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR), the man’s face is blurred.

  • However, a photo taken the same day as the video showing the man in question without his face blurred makes it clear he is not Prigozhin. A number of specialists said they think the man in question is Aleksandr Grigorievitch Maloletko, formerly one of Prigozhin’s right-hand men.

The fact-check, in detail

Did Yevgeny Prigozhin have us all fooled? A video posted on X on May 23, which has since garnered more than 108,800 views, shows a man that some people said looks “suspiciously” like Prigozhin on the border between Chad and the Central African Republic. Except... Prigozhin died in a plane crash in Russia on August 23, 2023.

“They [the Russians] are with the Central Africans,” he added.

Read more on The Observers - France 24