Northern Ireland police arrest man over Jean McConville murder

A grandchild of missing Jean McConville hangs flowers on a fence, one week after digging began at the burial place in Templetown Beach car park, Carlingford, June 5. REUTERS/Files

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Police in Northern Ireland on Thursday said they had arrested a man for questioning over the 1972 abduction and murder of Jean McConville, months after Irish nationalist leader Gerry Adams was questioned about the same crime. The Police Service of Northern Ireland said in a statement on Thursday that it had arrested a 73-year-old man in Dunmurry, a town just south of Belfast, for questioning about the murder. It did not name the him. Northern Ireland police detained 66-year-old Adams for four days in May in relation to the murder of McConville, who was abducted by the Irish Republican Army in front of her children from a nationalist area. The detention of Adams, who said he was "innocent of any part" in the murder, raised tensions among Northern Ireland's power-sharing government and its fragile peace. A file on Adams was sent to the Public Prosecution Service to decide whether to pursue charges. (Reporting by Conor Humphries; Editing by Crispian Balmer)