Northern Irish political paralysis can't last for much longer, Britain warns

Britain's Northern Ireland Secretary, James Brokenshire, leaves Downing Street after a cabinet meeting, in central London, Britain June 20, 2017. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Britain's Northern Ireland minister said he still believes a successful conclusion is possible in talks to restore power-sharing in the province, but that the period without devolved government cannot continue for much longer. Britain granted politicians a few days for more talks after they missed a deadline to reach an agreement on Thursday and James Brokenshire said he will address parliament in London on Monday with "what the next steps might be." "I remain of the view that (an agreement) continues to be possible but ... we've had an extended period where Northern Ireland has not had politicians making decisions. That cannot continue for much longer," Brokenshire told BBC radio. (Reporting by Padraic Halpin; editing by John Stonestreet)