Nursing home deaths make up a third of Spanish coronavirus toll - local radio

MADRID (Reuters) - A total of 1,307 elderly residents of Spanish nursing homes have died from coronavirus, roughly a third of the country's total death toll, radio network Cadena Ser said on Thursday in an update of its analysis that earlier pointed to 397 deaths.

In the Madrid region alone, nursing home deaths totaled 855 since the start of the epidemic, the radio network said. The radio network cited data collected by its local stations across Spain.

Nursing homes, whose elderly residents are highly vulnerable to the disease, have been particularly hard hit.

The Spanish government said it was still collecting data from all regions about nursing home deaths and could not confirm or deny the report. The Madrid regional government said the report was "not official data", which it would share when it was are ready.

(Reporting by Belen Carreno, writing by Andrei Khalip. Editing by Jane Merriman)