NYC Council vows to defy Adams admin rule controlling agency communication after NYPD skepticism

NEW YORK — City Council leaders vowed Wednesday to defy a new policy controlling interactions with senior officials in Mayor Eric Adams’ administration — a move that followed revelations that NYPD top cop Ed Cabán is skeptical of the plan, the New York Daily News has learned.

The new policy, which first came to light Tuesday, requires Council members and other local elected officials to file written requests with the mayor’s office if they wish to speak with commissioners or other senior agency staff about a range of issues.

But City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams told her members Wednesday afternoon they should disregard the new directive, which she argued will hamper them from communicating with officials across city government.

“The Council will not be adhering to this excessively bureaucratic and inefficient process that only undermines the work of city government on behalf of New Yorkers,” the speaker wrote in a letter to members. “I encourage you to go about your business on behalf of your constituents and New Yorkers, as usual.”

The speaker’s missive came after Cabán, the NYPD commissioner, voiced concern about the policy in a private meeting last Friday, where City Hall officials first relayed the new rule to agency honchos. Cabán said in the virtual meeting that the requirement could prove a nuisance for NYPD precinct and borough commanders, according to a senior Adams administration official on the call and a second source briefed on the conversation.

Precinct and borough commanders engage with local elected officials on a daily basis about various topics, including public safety issues in their districts raised by constituents. Requiring elected officials to get a green-light from City Hall before such conversations could make work hard for everyone involved, Cabán warned, according to the sources.

“What [Cabán] was saying is that they have such constant communication with elected officials that you would imagine that this would slow down communication,” the source who was on the call told The News this week, speaking on condition of anonymity. “He said he was happy of course to fill it out for any interactions he or anyone else at [Police Headquarters] had to do, but questioned whether and why his commanders would need to do it.”

NYPD spokesman Tarik Sheppard confirmed Cabán raised the issue about commanders during last week’s call, but said the commissioner didn’t outright criticize the new policy.

Sheppard said elected officials won’t need City Hall clearance to speak with NYPD during emergencies. Rather, he said the policy will mostly apply to interactions about quality of life issues.

The mayor’s office didn’t immediately return a request for a response to the speaker’s letter.

Earlier Wednesday, the mayor dismissed the notion that the policy will add an unnecessary bureaucratic step for elected leaders.

“This is not punitive, this is smart coordination of city resources, particularly with the manpower that has dropped a lot, and I need to make sure that my commissioners are being coordinated correctly,” he told The News. “Those electeds who are saying, ‘Well, we don’t want to do that’ … Then you have disorder. I don’t want to disorder.”

Under the policy, City Council members, state lawmakers and other local elected officials seeking to speak with agency commissioners or executive staffers must fill out a form on a new City Hall webpage. The form requires officials to provide their home addresses, specifics about who they want to speak to and why.

“Completion of this form does not result in a guarantee of a meeting or appearance. The City reserves the right to decline requests,” the form states. The mayor’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, which is led by longtime Adams adviser Tiffany Raspberry, will review and approve the requests.

An email first reported by the news outlet The City says interactions requiring a request include all meetings with commissioners, executive directors and senior agency staff as well as discussions about “enforcement” or issues “outside the scope of daily operations.”

Several local elected leaders interviewed by The News said they have commissioners’ cell numbers and talk with them directly for various work reasons, often multiple times a week.

Mandating pre-approval for such talks would be counterintuitive, argued Manhattan Councilman Keith Powers.

“This policy would handcuff every Council member to do their job effectively, slow down city government, and hurt the ability of commissioners to do their jobs,” Powers, a Democrat, said. “It makes no sense.”

Ydanis Rodriguez, Adams’ transportation commissioner, had nothing but support for the new policy and said it’ll “continue to be possible” for him to speak directly with lawmakers despite it.

“Procedure is procedure, but for me this procedure will not have any negative impact,” Rodriguez, a former Council member, told The News.

Adams’ team has drawn criticism before for attempting to control agency interactions with the media and elected officials, including over a 2022 directive requiring City Hall to vet all agency-level press releases.

A Democratic Council member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the latest policy runs counter to Adams’ focus on cutting red tape in government.

“Officials in government should be talking to each other,” the member said. “I can’t believe that’s even a question.”

—With Thomas Tracy