Obama says would support Trump moves to improve U.S. healthcare

U.S President Barack Obama arrives at theTegel airport in Berlin, Germany, November 16, 2016. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Thursday he would support any move by President-elect Donald Trump to improve healthcare for Amercicans. "Trump says that he can improve the health system. I believe that if he is able to insure the same number of people - better than I am - I would support this," Obama told German televivion station ARD, according to a translation into German. During the U.S. presidential campaign, Trump called for the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, to be repealed and replaced and labeled the 2010 law "a disaster." He has since said he is considering retaining parts of Obama's healthcare law. (Writing by Paul Carrel; Editing by Madeline Chambers)