Only one pilot was in cockpit when German flight crashed-German prosecutor

A rescue helicopter from the French Gendarmerie lands behind a media satellite dish seen during operations near the crash site of an Airbus A320, in Seyne-les-Alpes, March 26, 2015. REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German state prosecutor confirmed on Thursday that only one of the two Germanwings pilots was in the cockpit when a flight to Duesseldorf from Barcelona crashed in the French Alps this week. "One was in the cockpit and the other wasn't," Christoph Kumpa at the prosecutors' office in Duesseldorf told Reuters by telephone, adding that the information came from investigators in France. Prosecutors from both countries are looking into the cause of the accident. Kumpa said he did not know whether it was the captain or the co-pilot who was in the cockpit. Neither Germanwings or parent company Lufthansa has released the identity of the two pilots. (Reporting by Erik Kirschbaum; Writing by Stephen Brown)