Oscar Waugh remembered by school after 18-month cancer battle

Oscar Waugh's East Wiltshire Warriors jersey was retired on Thursday. (Tony Davis/CBC - image credit)
Oscar Waugh's East Wiltshire Warriors jersey was retired on Thursday. (Tony Davis/CBC - image credit)

Oscar Waugh will be part of the East Wiltshire Warriors basketball team forever.

On Thursday night, in front of his family and friends, Oscar's jersey was retired. The 15-year-old died this summer after an 18-month battle with cancer.

Trevor Waugh remembers his son as someone who never gave up, an attitude he applied to every sport he played — and his fight against cancer.

"Oscar was a beautiful son. He was a wonderful brother. He was a straight-A student and a gifted athlete and we are just super honoured the school and the team are retiring his jersey," Waugh said.

'He was a tremendous guy all the way around and we miss him dearly,' says Trevor Waugh.
'He was a tremendous guy all the way around and we miss him dearly,' says Trevor Waugh.

'He was a tremendous guy all the way around and we miss him dearly,' says Trevor Waugh. (Tony Davis/CBC)

"We see the jersey not only as a symbol of his athletic ability and his work ethic and what he meant to the team, but also a testament to his resilience and courage in the face of some very great adversity."

There was a moment of silence ahead of the Warriors' home opener and Waugh's jersey, No. 5, was unveiled with the help of his mother, father, sister and his younger brother who plays on the team.

"It's amazing. We have had such great support all through Oscar's illness and afterwards from the community. The school has been amazing, friends and family," Waugh said.

Drawing strength from Oscar's example

Waugh said he hopes the jersey will serve as an inspiration for students and athletes at the school.

"My son is actually on the team, Harry, so we will definitely be back until he leaves East Wiltshire ... But knowing the jersey is here, and it serving as an inspiration for future generations of kids that can draw some strength from the example he set, will be very special."

Waugh said he remembers his son as a lover of all sports.

"He would walk around the house twirling a ball on his finger constantly," he said. "I have very, very fond memories of him playing not just basketball, but many sports."

Oscar's jersey won't just be displayed in the gym, it will be hung in the lobby as well.
Oscar's jersey won't just be displayed in the gym, it will be hung in the lobby as well.

Oscar's jersey won't just be displayed in the gym, it will be hung in the school's lobby as well. (Tony Davis/CBC)

Waugh said Thursday night brought mixed emotions, but he reminded himself the jersey retirement is a celebration of his son's life.

"He was a tremendous guy, all the way around. And we miss him dearly."

Oscar's mother, Catherine Hill Waugh, was too emotional to do an interview, but provided a statement in an email.

"He radiated positivity and light at times when the rest of us could only see darkness. Oscar never gave up! He always continued to live his life to the fullest," she wrote.

Others were drawn to Oscar's light and positivity and have been inspired to do good things. - Catherine Hill Waugh

The email goes on to detail all the ways in which Oscar continued to love life — going to school, playing baritone, taking a band trip with friends and cheering on his team from the bench.

"We are so honoured that East Wiltshire School is retiring Oscar's No. 5 basketball Warriors jersey. There is no one who loved the sport more than he did," she wrote.

"It's a recognition of Warrior spirit, and that he will never be forgotten — this joy that he got from basketball and that he shared with his teammates. Others were drawn to Oscar's light and positivity and have been inspired to do good things."

'Oscar wasn't just a persistent athlete or someone that pushed through in sports, but everything in life,' says John Cusack, East Wiltshire School principal.
'Oscar wasn't just a persistent athlete or someone that pushed through in sports, but everything in life,' says John Cusack, East Wiltshire School principal.

'Oscar wasn't just a persistent athlete or someone that pushed through in sports, but everything in life,' says East Wiltshire School principal John Cusack. (Tony Davis/CBC)

East Wiltshire principal John Cusack remembered Oscar's appetite for athletics.

"Oscar started here in Grade 7 and played pretty well any sport he could get his hands on. He joined our hockey academy. He played soccer and basketball, basketball I think being his favourite," Cusack said.

"He really was a true Warrior, he embodied it every day here. We struggle to get some kids here on a regular basis, but he fought everyday to be here. He made sure even through treatments his school work was done. He never had a complaint, everything was always positive with Oscar."

The jersey won't just be displayed in the gym, Cusack said, it will be hung in the lobby as well.

"Oscar wasn't just a persistent athlete or someone that pushed through in sports, but everything in life. He was just a great person all around. I think that just filters through everyone in the building. So I think even with years that will pass he will be recognized forever."

Foundation to help other children

Before Oscar died, Waugh said his son asked for a fund to be set up for other children battling cancer. The fund is called the Oscar Waugh Friends Foundation.

Money donated to the fund will help other Island children with cancer pay for travel expenses related to treatment or for equipment needed at home.

"Oscar was able to tell us how he wanted those proceeds to be used. And he wanted to help other kids just like himself," Waugh said.

An anonymous donor has pledged to match donations up to $100,000 until Dec. 24.