S P Setia Foundation Brings Raya Warmth To Old Folks’ Home

S P Setia Foundation Brings Raya Warmth To Old Folks’ Home
S P Setia Foundation Brings Raya Warmth To Old Folks’ Home

Johor Bahru, Johor, 24 May 2023 – Rounding up Hari Raya Aidilfitri festivities, S P Setia’s charity arm S P Setia Foundation continues to pay it forward with a visit to Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Nur Ehsan women’s old folks’ home in Johor Bahru, Johor today.

In continuation of its ‘Sincerely Setia Syawal Programme’, this engagement with the old folks’ home also included a gotong-royong programme earlier on 18 May 2023 where volunteers consisting the staff of S P Setia joined hands to make light refurbishments to the premise such as creating a mural on the wall of the entrance of the home, painting the walls of the dorm and exteriors, beautifying the landscape and yard, cleaning and minor repair works for the building.

Present at the programme were Dato’ Zuraidah Atan, Chairman of S P Setia Foundation; Datuk Yuslina Mohd Yunus, Management Committee of S P Setia Foundation and Executive Vice President of S P Setia; Adelene Wong, Management Committee of S P Setia Foundation and Head, Group Branding & Communications of S P Setia and Datuk Stanley Saw, Executive Vice President.

Dato’ Zuraidah gifting syawal basket to the oldest resident, aged 96 years old, at Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Nur Ehsan.
Dato’ Zuraidah gifting syawal basket to the oldest resident, aged 96 years old, at Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Nur Ehsan.

Dato’ Zuraidah gifting syawal basket to the oldest resident, aged 96 years old, at Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Nur Ehsan.

The programme fulfils the second Trust Object of S P Setia Foundation, which is to provide support for Malaysians who are underprivileged, disabled, poverty-stricken, or critically ill, with the objective to meet the needs of these individuals and provide them with the necessary assistance and resources to improve their lives where applicable.

“We appreciate Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Nur Ehsan for this collaboration and their commitment to making this programme successful. We are also glad to have our Team Setia corporate volunteers of different races and religious backgrounds who came hand in hand to serve from the heart,” said Dato’ Zuraidah Atan, S P Setia Foundation Chairman and a Director of S P Setia.

A physiotherapy workshop was conducted by Mr Mustaffa Sultan, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Officer and facilitated by Ms Emmy Frienny binti Robinson from Hospital Sultan Ismail to provide demonstrations on light exercises to stay active.
A physiotherapy workshop was conducted by Mr Mustaffa Sultan, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Officer and facilitated by Ms Emmy Frienny binti Robinson from Hospital Sultan Ismail to provide demonstrations on light exercises to stay active.

A physiotherapy workshop was conducted by Mr Mustaffa Sultan, Rehabilitation and
Physiotherapy Officer and facilitated by Ms Emmy Frienny binti Robinson from Hospital
Sultan Ismail to provide demonstrations on light exercises to stay active.

Providing assistance to the residents, S P Setia Foundation gifted syawal baskets to 42 female residents of Pusat Jagaan Warga Emas Nur Ehsan which included personal care items such as towels and blankets.Supporting the cause, S P Setia-owned Amari Kuala Lumpur also contributed branded toiletries which were gifted to the residents in the syawal baskets.

Furthermore, to provide guidance on staying active and demonstrate light exercises, a physiotherapy workshop was conducted by Mr Mustaffa Sultan, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Officer and facilitated by Ms Emmy Frienny binti Robinson from Hospital Sultan Ismail.