Pakistan army expresses 'pain and anguish' over Musharraf death sentence

A television screen displays the news after Pakistani court sentenced former military ruler Pervez Musharraf to death on charges of high treason and subverting the constitution, at a shop in Karachi

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's army issued a statement on Tuesday expressing "pain and anguish" over the death sentence given to former military dictator Pervez Musharraf.

A Pakistani court sentenced Musharraf to death in absentia on treason charges stemming from his imposition of a state of emergency in 2007.

"The decision given by special court about General Pervez Musharraf retired has been received with lot of pain and anguish by rank and file of Pakistan armed forces," the statement said.

(Reporting by Asif Shahzad; Editing by Andrew Heavens)