Palestinian flags, outbursts… No, these images weren’t filmed after the results of the French election

Dozens of Palestinian flags waved by a crowd in the French city of Lyon? The statue on Paris's Place de la République covered in Algerian flags? According to right-wing American accounts, these images were taken in the aftermath of the second round of the French legislative elections on Sunday, July 7. But these are actually old images that have nothing to do with the election.

If you only have a minute :

  • A video showing dozens of Palestinian flags, purportedly waved at a rally celebrating the left’s victory in the French legislative elections, was actually filmed in Lyon on June 1, 2024, at a pro-Palestinian protest.

  • A clip showing the statue on Paris's Place de la République covered in Algerian flags with the caption “RIP France” dates back to March 2019, during protests against former Algerian President Bouteflika’s new candidacy.

  • A third video shows an individual carrying an Afghan flag while knocking over a trash can in Paris. But it was actually filmed in April 2024, during a protest organized by an Afghan association.

The fact check, in details:

A square in Lyon covered in Palestinian flags?

A crowded square and dozens of Palestinian flags. On X and Facebook, many accounts shared this video shortly after the results of the second round of the French legislative elections, which saw the left come out on top. “The victory rally for the new French government has more Palestinian flags than French flags,” wrote a user on X. His post was seen more than 3,9 million times.

“LYON: rally in support of the Palestinians this Saturday 1st of June," reads the caption.

Read more on The Observers - France 24