Panda cub Le Le to be flown to China in temperature-controlled flight and custom travel crate

The two-year-old giant panda's last public appearance at its River Wonders exhibit in Singapore draws about 1,000 guests

Le Le's final public appearance in the Pavilion Capital Giant Panda Forest on 13 December 2023 (Photos: Mandai Wildlife Group)
Le Le's final public appearance in the Pavilion Capital Giant Panda Forest on 13 December 2023 (Photos: Mandai Wildlife Group)

SINGAPORE — Le Le - the giant panda cub born in Singapore - will leave Singapore for China on 16 January next year on a specially-arranged Singapore Airlines aircraft, with a custom-made crate and a thermally-regulated cabin.

In a joint press release on Wednesday (13 December), Mandai Wildlife Group and Singapore Airlines (SIA) said that the two-year-old panda will depart Changi International Airport for Chengdu, China, on board a Boeing 747-400F freighter aircraft which is designed for versatile cargo transport.

The aircraft nose door can be opened upwards to accommodate Le Le’s custom-made crate and his travel essentials, which will include his in-flight meal consisting of up to 50kg of bamboo, bamboo shoots, fruit, pellets and water.

How Le Le's care and well-being will be ensured in-flight

Le Le's aircraft cabin ambient temperature will also be maintained between 15°C and 16°C, consistent with the temperature of its previous habitat at the River Wonders.

A zookeeper and veterinarian from Mandai Wildlife Group, as well as a zookeeper from China, will be present during the flight for the transition involving Le Le’s care regime.

After Le Le's arrival in Chengdu, the panda will be transported to a quarantine facility in Huaying, Guang’an city in Sichuan province. It will join China's giant panda conservation programme thereafter.

“Everyone in Singapore has excitedly watched Le Le grow up over the last two years, and it is now time for him to go to his new home. Singapore Airlines is happy to do our part by providing him with a safe and comfortable flight to Chengdu, in support of conservation programmes in Singapore and around the world," said SIA's senior vice-president of cargo, Marvin Tan.

Le Le’s customised travel crate (Photo: Mandai Wildlife Group)
Le Le’s customised travel crate (Photo: Mandai Wildlife Group)

Conditioning the panda cub for the flight

The custom travel crate that Le Le will be travelling in took about two weeks to build, in accordance to guidelines by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and advice from Chinese experts.

First introduced to Le Le’s den on 27 November, the crate comes with a removable plywood board at each end, to facilitate feeding and checks while on board.

The panda care team has been conditioning Le Le to the crate, with the use of positive reinforcement training. Food rewards are used to encourage it to voluntarily enter the crate, and acclimatise to being inside it.

Le Le has also received vaccinations, and will be undergoing thorough health checks in its month-long quarantine before the flight.

Guests at the Pavilion Capital Giant Panda Forest to see Le Le off on his final day in the exhibit (Photo: Mandai Wildlife Group)
Guests at the Pavilion Capital Giant Panda Forest to see Le Le off on his final day in the exhibit (Photo: Mandai Wildlife Group)

Le Le's last day in the River Wonders exhibit

About 1,000 guests showed up at River Wonders on Wednesday to bid Le Le farewell on the panda's last day at the Pavilion Capital Giant Panda Forest exhibit.

Since the announcement of the panda's departure in September, thousands of families and international visitors have come to visit it.

"It is so heartening to see people of all walks of life coming together for Le Le, and cheering him on in the next chapter of his life," said Mandai Wildlife Group deputy chief executive officer (life sciences and operations) Cheng Wen-Haur.

“We have watched our giant panda cub grow into the confident, inquisitive and independent bear that he is today. He is adored by all who have had the privilege of caring for him and we are excited to celebrate with him in his continuing role as an ambassador for his species."

From 13 to 17 December, between 10am and 2pm, the public are also invited to add their artistic strokes to a community-centric memento painting depicting Le Le outside the exhibit.

Kai Kai and Jia Jia, Le Le's panda parents who have lived in Singapore's River Wonders attraction for the past 11 years, will be staying on for four more years.

Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Singapore, Qin Wen (left) and Mike Barclay, Group CEO of Mandai Wildlife Group (right) with the paint-by-numbers momento
Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Singapore, Qin Wen (left) and Mike Barclay, Group CEO of Mandai Wildlife Group (right) with the paint-by-numbers momento (Photo: Mandai Wildlife Group)

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