After Paris march, Netanyahu leads the pack in Israeli election

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waves after his speech during the launch of his Likud party election campaign in Tel Aviv January 5, 2015. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

By Jeffrey Heller JERUSALEM (Reuters) - In the cold reality of politics, the killing of four French Jews in a Paris supermarket seems to have helped Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deliver a strong message to Israeli voters that he has their back. With two months to go until Israel's national election, Netanyahu - who marched with dozens of world leaders at a memorial rally for the victims of last week's Islamist militant attacks in the French capital - heads a crowded pack of candidates despite the challenge of a new centre-left alliance. Accusing Netanyahu of missteps, critics saw comedy amid the tragedy as he manoeuvred his way into a front-row position at the rally in honour of the 17 dead in the shooting assaults on the satirical journal Charlie Hebdo and in the kosher market. It even spawned an on-line game, "Push the Bibi" - Netanyahu's nickname - in which players could propel him through the crowd to occupy pride of place next to French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Despite the ridicule, opinion polls show no real change among the two top contenders in the Israeli race, in which the right-wing Netanyahu has made security and the threat of a radicalised Middle East the main issues. Netanyahu's Likud and centre-left Labour remained neck-and-neck, with his party best positioned to form a governing coalition with smaller factions after the March 17 ballot. The Israeli leader even won grudging praise in the left-wing Haaretz newspaper - one of his strongest critics - for reminding French Jews that they can always migrate to the Jewish state. "Contempt for his ... pushiness shouldn't obscure the fact that he succeeded in sending a clear message over the head of ... Hollande, and to be honest, over the heads of all the leaders of Israel's political system: 'Come home. I'll protect you,'" Haaretz commentator Talk Nil wrote. Back home, after arranging for the four Jewish victims of the supermarket attack to be buried in Israel, Netanyahu attended their funeral in Jerusalem and railed in his eulogy against the "poisonous fanaticism" of militant Islam. It was a familiar theme of a Likud campaign that has hailed Netanyahu, seeking a fourth term as premier, as the Israeli leader best able to keep the country safe. An opinion poll published on Wednesday by the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University showed that 34 percent of Jewish voters in Israel believed Netanyahu was best suited to be the next prime minister. Labour Party chief Isaac Herzog took second place, with just 17.7 percent. Labour, newly allied with the centrist Hanta party led by ex-chief peace negotiator Tipi Living, hopes to keep voters focused on financial and quality-of-life issues - especially the high cost of consumer goods and housing. She has also cited criticism the United States and European partners have frequently levelled at Netanyahu over Jewish settlement expansion in occupied territory and the collapse of peace negotiations with the Palestinians. A new centrist party, led by Mosheim Kalong, a former communications minister who delighted Israelis by slashing cellular phone charges, could be the wild card in any coalition-building. It is forecast to win nine of parliament's 120 seats, compared with 23 or 24 for each of Likud and Labour. Although Herzog has a proud pedigree in Israel - his late father Chaim served as its president - Living has maintained a higher political profile as a former foreign minister who led the once-powerful centrist Kalmia party. Herzog was nicknamed "Fuji" (pronounced Boo-zhee) as a child by his mother, and his baby-faced looks and thin voice have spawned a Facebook page entitled "Fuji does cute things" that superimposes his face on infants at play. Netanyahu rarely misses an opportunity to refer to Herzog as "Fuji", apparently hoping it will resonate with voters as a moniker with even less gravitates than "Bibi". (Editing by Luke Baker and Mark Heinrich)