Parisians relieve year-end stress with puppy-yoga class

STORY: "Many of us can't have our dogs at home or don't have the time to take them out every day, so this is an opportunity to spend some time relaxing and being happy," Rubinsi told Reuters during a session this week that included 10 Golden Retriever puppies.

Sessions at the recently opened Puppy Yoga Paris include 20 minutes of yoga and 40 minutes of interacting with puppies.

Puppy Yoga Paris offers several sessions a week, each featuring a bunch of purebred puppies as well as kittens, with the animals aged six to 12 weeks.

Rubinski said she had struck partnerships with nearby breeders who rent out the animals for the sessions. The puppies stay for a few hours, then leave in the evening.

Downward dog, frolicking puppy is on the rise, the businesswoman hopes. She recently opened another puppy yoga center in Madrid and hopes to open more centers in France throughout 2024.