Paul McFadyen jailed for six years for sexual offences against two women

A high-risk sex offender clapped during an outburst after a jury found him guilty of a number of crimes.

Paul McFadyen, 61, was said to have "lost his reputation" and has now "lost his liberty" after being jailed for six years.

McFadyen targeted two young women while working at an Ayrshire community centre.

Advocate depute Donald Davidson KC said he seemed to find "some sort of sexual thrill or perverse pleasure in humiliating young women".

The High Court in Edinburgh heard how he started off making sexualised, inappropriate remarks before his behaviour escalated to grabbing, gripping and bottom-pinching.

He indecently assaulted one victim in a vehicle at an industrial estate in Ayrshire and raped her in a car in a layby in Renfrewshire.

'You behaved appallingly to both of them'

Judge Lady Poole said both of the women were "significantly younger and smaller" than McFadyen.

She added: "You behaved appallingly to both of them.

"I have read carefully two victim impact statements which have been provided to the court.

"It is clear that your behaviour was not just upsetting, but had many longer-term and serious impacts on your victims."

The court heard that McFadyen, formerly of Erskine in Renfrewshire, has also subsequently offended, including attempting to induce teenagers into his car.

Lady Poole noted that he had not come to the attention of the courts until the age of 56.

McFadyen's criminal record includes being added to the sex offenders' register in 2017 for threatening and abusive behaviour towards an 18-year-old and 14-year-old.

He has also been convicted of an offence in connection with indecent photographs of children, committed in 2019.

'He has lost everything'

Defence counsel Sarah Livingstone said: "He has lost everything. He has lost his reputation. He has lost his home. He has lost his liberty."

Ms Livingstone said that he was "hounded out" of a previous address by a vigilante group.

A background report concluded that McFadyen was deemed a "high risk of sexual reoffending".

Lady Poole stated: "You are now 61-years-old. You have a good history of qualifications and employment, and for most of your life you have not been in trouble with the police.

"I note your history in recent years of poor health, physical but also mental ill health, and issues with alcohol.

"I have taken into account that you have not previously been sentenced to imprisonment or detention, but given the nature and seriousness of the crimes of which you have been convicted no other method of dealing with you is appropriate."

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McFadyen denied a series of charges during a trial last year but was convicted of five offences - one of rape, three indecent assaults and a breach of the peace.

All of the offending occurred between July 2003 and December 2006.

After the jury returned guilty verdicts, he began clapping during an outburst in the courtroom and proceedings were brought to an end in his absence.

'I hope this sentencing offers the victims comfort'

McFadyen was sentenced on Wednesday.

He was handed a nine-year extended sentence, with six years in jail and three years on licence once released back into the community.

McFadyen was also placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely and banned from contacting his victims for 20 years.

Following the court case, Detective Inspector Fraser Spence said: "Despite the passage of time, the victims provided us with statements which allowed us to carry out this investigation.

"I hope this sentencing offers them comfort as they move on with their lives."