Paul O'Grady's daughter bought his tights during Lily Savage success

Paul O'Grady's daughter used to buy tights for the comedian so he could adopt his Lily Savage drag persona.

Sharyn Mousley lived with the late TV star - who died in March 2023, aged 67 - in London during the 90s, and she still has vivid memories of helping Paul with his burgeoning TV career.

Sharyn, 48 - who is the only child from Paul's brief relationship with Diane Jansen - says on upcoming ITV1 documentary 'The Life and Death of Lily Savage': "I remember going to the shop and getting tights for him. The guy would say 'You coming in for your dad's tights?' I'd be like yeah, you got a tan and black, it was just that was just normal.

"He used to leave me in a flat and go and work. I used to just love looking at his make-up. I remember walking around the flat with his thigh-high boots on, thinking I was all grown up, I was about 13!"

Paul's unusual career path raised eyebrows among some of Sharyn's friends - but she didn't "know any difference".

She explains: "People used to say to me, isn't it strange? That Paul O'Grady, Lily Savage, is your dad and I don't know any difference.

"Mum and dad met In the early 70s. They were just friends and then boom, Sharyn was born.

"I think he didn't know he was gay or straight when I was born. So he likes to just keep everything separate. Went to London, he's having a career."

Meanwhile, Julian Clary has praised Paul for standing up for LGBTQ rights.

The 64-year-old comedy star said: "I didn't know anyone else like Paul. I mean, obviously very, very funny and unique, but did actually really care about injustices in the world and did a lot of very kind things that no one knows about."