PC had sex with vulnerable woman he met on duty

An “arrogant” former police constable who had sex with a vulnerable woman he met on duty has been warned to expect a lengthy jail sentence.

Shamraze Arshad was a Greater Manchester Police officer when he was called out to the 21-year-old's student accommodation while she was suicidal.

He later looked up her details on police computer systems and began contacting her hours after she had been admitted to hospital.

The 38-year-old, of Ascott Close in Lostock, Bolton, was convicted of misconduct in a public office at Liverpool Crown Court.

'Abused position'

The jury heard Arshad and a colleague were called out to the woman's accommodation in Manchester in October 2020 while she was in crisis.

Jamie Baxter, prosecuting, said Arshad submitted a care plan for her after she was taken to hospital and having finished his shift “that should have been the end of the matter”.

But later that morning, while off duty, he used his police mobile to find her personal details and began calling her.

Mr Baxter said that in the weeks and months that followed they began a sexual relationship

He told the jury: “Far detached from the knight in shining armour she initially thought he was, we suggest that she was selected by him because of those very vulnerabilities which caused him to first meet her and that he abused his position as a serving police officer, gaining her trust, in order to sleep with her."

Seven months later she ended their relationship, which she described to the jury as involving “friends with benefits”, and said he would come round for 15-20 minutes “for a fun time in bed.”

Liverpool Crown Court
Shamraze Arshad was convicted at Liverpool Crown Court [PA Media]

Arshad was arrested on 19 July 2021 and released on bail on condition not to contact the woman in any way - but he immediately went to her home, the court heard.

As she was out he returned the next morning and woke her by banging on her window.

The frightened woman hid in the bathroom and called the police.

During the trial Arshad denied ever having sex with her.

He shook his head in the dock and repeatedly muttered "oh my God" under his breath when the jury returned unanimous verdicts after 75 minutes of deliberations.

Arshad had already been convicted of attempting to pervert the course of justice and unauthorised access to police computer systems at a trial last summer.

That jury was unable to reach a verdict on the misconduct offence leading to a re-trial.

He was formally dismissed from the police last year.

Judge Stuart Driver KC remanded Arshad in custody overnight for sentencing and warned him: “You are going to prison for a substantial time.”

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