A peek inside the Olympic Village, fast food outrage, nude beach etiquette: Catch up on the day’s stories

👋 Welcome to 5 Things PM! Summer is officially here, and parts of the US are baking under triple-digit temperatures. So what’s the best drink to help you cool down and stay hydrated: soda, juice or maybe a beer? The ideal choice is actually much simpler than any of those options.

Here’s what else you might have missed during your busy day:

5 things

Air filters along the street in the Olympic Village. - Nathan Laine/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Air filters along the street in the Olympic Village. - Nathan Laine/Bloomberg/Getty Images

1️⃣ Olympic Village: Instead of rooming in tailor-made apartments, athletes at the Summer Games in Paris will live in what will become someone else’s home or workplace. Organizers say these will be the “most responsible and sustainable games in history.”

2️⃣ Fast food outrage: An $18 Big Mac combo meal in Connecticut that went viral sparked a revolt against high prices for eating out. And while most people pay far less than that for a burger, fries and soda, some companies are acknowledging that customers are fed up.

3️⃣ Perkins makeover: The aging chain, known for its pies and pancakes, has decided it’s time for a refresh. The changes include a revamped menu and redesigned restaurants in an effort to draw new diners.

4️⃣ Bathroom art: A museum in Australia moved some Picasso pieces to the ladies’ room after a male visitor who couldn’t enter the exhibit raised a stink and filed a discrimination complaint. They call it “Cubism in the cubicles.”

5️⃣ Nude beach etiquette: If you’re shedding all of your clothes on the sand this summer, there are a few rules to follow. Oh, and bring plenty of sunscreen. 📹 Watch: Nudist explains what not to do

Watch this

🌀 Hurricane names: There’s a system to how tropical storms get their names. A CNN meteorologist breaks down this year’s list and explains why some won’t be used again.

Top headlines

Judge not buying Trump’s arguments that Mar-a-Lago search warrant was invalid
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Chaos in Kenya as people storm parliament during widespread protests

Check this out

🔍 Underwater tunnel: When it opens in 2029, the world’s longest immersed tunnel will link Denmark and Germany and dramatically slash travel times between the countries.

An illustration shows what the tunnel in Denmark will look like once complete. - Femern A/S
An illustration shows what the tunnel in Denmark will look like once complete. - Femern A/S

$30 billion

❗That’s the amount of a settlement between credit card companies and retailers over swipe fees that was rejected by a federal judge.

Your health

❤️ Daily aspirin: A new study suggests that the use of aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease remains high among older adults, despite possible risks and updated guidance.

Quiz time


Which beloved romantic movie starring Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its release?
A. “Pride and Prejudice”
B. “In the Mood for Love”
C. “The Notebook”
D. “Before Sunrise”
⬇️ Scroll down for the answer.

Good vibes

💋 We like to wrap things up on a positive note:
Amy Osmun sat next to a stranger on a flight from Los Angeles to Amsterdam. They hit it off right away, and he shared his meal with her. Before they went their separate ways, a kiss in a crowded airport changed the course of both their lives.

Thanks for reading

👋 We’ll see you tomorrow.
💬 What did you like about today’s 5 Things PM? Did we miss anything? Email us: 5ThingsPM@cnn.com
🧠 Quiz answer: C. “The Notebook,” about a man reading aloud to a woman with dementia with flashbacks to their younger lives, was released on June 25, 2004.
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5 Things PM is produced by CNN’s Tricia Escobedo, Meghan Pryce and Kimberly Richardson.

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