15 Office Affair Stories That Are Downright Chaotic, Juicy, And Shocking

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community who have either participated in or witnessed an office romance/affair to tell us their stories. We received so many wildddd submissions that we had to make a part four! Here's what people revealed:

1.For a time, I worked at a studio for a late-night show. I was super excited to meet the well-known host (who will remain UNNAMED), and I am glad I did. We started talking just for fun, getting to know one another, and we hooked up at a work event because we were both a little out of it. We carried on the affair, even though 1. he was a solid 30 years older and 2. he had been married since the early aughts. I felt terrible about it the whole time, but the sex was too hot to let go, and I had a thing for older men. He left the studio after a few years, so we stopped what we had, and I left that job. However, part of me wants to seek him out again, considering he's back at his old job."


2."This was several years ago when I worked in a large office. A female colleague and I became friends, and we would take walks during work and have lunch together. One day, on a walk, she said she wanted to have sex. I was recently married, and she had been for several years. The affair started. We would have sex in my minivan before work and on a wooden trail where we walked. Then, we started commuting to work together. So, the affair escalated in my home before work. One day, we had sex after work at my house. My wife came home from her job. My coworker ran to the bathroom, and I went to the sunroom as if she just had to use the bathroom before driving home. We were not caught yet, but it was a little obvious."

"After five years, she said we couldn't continue. I was a little heartbroken, but I understood. My wife and I were together until her passing. She may have guessed but never asked. The sad thing is, I miss my coworker more than my wife a decade after my wife's passing. I only regret the affair slightly."


Two people in bed, partially hiding under white covers with surprised expressions, looking towards the camera
Chrisfarrugia / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3."I was in a horrible marriage, and my boss and I began flirting regularly. We worked at a dealership in different departments. I left my husband for him, which was great because I needed to get out. We would sneak around at work. People had suspicions but couldn't prove anything. I was let go from my position due to the suspicions. We still see each other, but he's habitual. He got caught with another coworker after I had left six months later. He was fired and is now a GM at another dealership. I'm sure he still gets with employees, but I can't prove it. Two years later, we're still sneaking around with each other. I know I need to let him go, but I'm in love. I know I could never trust him."


4."I was an intern for a man 20 years older than me, and he was incredibly handsome and kind. He was newly divorced, and I was a college student. He had a high position then, and I had just started out at this company. One late night, we got very close, and a massage led to much more, and we started sleeping together from then onward. Fast forward 10 years later. Now, I'm at a different job with a different company and haven't talked to the man... that is until we were both at a convention for the field we're in. We ended up in a hotel room together. We're still together today, even though he's 55 and I'm 35."


Person's hand holding a "do not disturb" sign while partially opening a hotel room door
Momo Productions / Getty Images

5."I was a 23-year-old intern in the office of a well-known politician in his mid-40s when we met. This was back in Washington, and I had a pretty nice internship in The Capitol about eight years ago. I worked late, he worked late, and we spent a lot of time together. He was married but didn't see his wife or kids very much. I was definitely interested in him, and he returned that, so we slept together at the office a few times even though he was married. I did regret it because he and his wife are still together. We didn't speak after my time in the office and don't interact anymore. It was a few short hookups."


6."There was a new guy at work who I thought was super flirty with me to the point I was a little uncomfortable. Later, though, I saw him in the store with his partner, who was pregnant with his second kid, so I figured I might have just not read the situation correctly. Nope! It turns out I wasn't the only one he flirted with, and he ended up having an affair with another coworker. They were both fired after getting caught having sex on the clock by a security camera IN MY STOCKROOM!"


Two people, in business attire, are partially hidden under a conference table, suggesting a secretive workplace relationship. Only their legs and part of their bodies are visible
Henrik Weis / Getty Images

7."I was a TA for a handsome professor in his 50s. I was much younger, obviously. He was divorced, and we would hook up after hours whenever possible. The sex was the best I've ever had, and I regret not carrying it on. He died last year, and I miss him dearly."


8."A hot guy appeared at my workplace one day and commented on my accent. He was very charming but married! One thing led to another, and he convinced me to leave my job and work for him. I did and went to live in the same town as him and his family to be closer to work. His wife and kids left for a holiday, and boy, was the sex the best of my life! His wife came back, and since we could not resist the urge always to be together, she visited the office and caught us red-handed kissing. I was fired from the job. I found out I was pregnant a while later. He hid it from his wife and didn't support his child. I then sued him for child support, and his wife confronted him about it, and he denied paternity. Things have been bad for me ever since."


Two people are sprawled on a desk in an office, one in a suit and the other in a skirt and blouse, with some papers and a pot plant nearby
Troy Aossey / Getty Images

9."The post office is a hotbed of sexual tension that often turns kind of incestuous. It's always obvious when people have a thing going. After surviving my wife's affair with a church leader for five years, I fell in with another letter carrier who was also married. It was hot, deeply emotional, and the impetus for both of our divorces. I was 45, and she was 35. The result was she started boning a 19-year-old at work during the 'break' she said she needed from us. The timeline is very sketchy, but this kid was also living with another girl from work unbeknownst to her and managed to two-time both of them for nine months or so. She was devastated, and I'm still devastated. This woman ruined me, and I still see her every day. Regrets are abundant in my daily life."


10."I worked at a dealership, and many affairs were happening, but these were the juiciest ones. First, the married sales manager would sleep with just about any attractive woman who'd buy a car from us, whether they were in a relationship or not. He'd usually take them to the finance office in the middle of the day. Remember that this guy had a beautiful wife (who seemed very nice) and two great kids. He ended up hooking up with one woman he flirted with while she was there with her boyfriend. She was about 20 years younger than him. She broke things off with her boyfriend and started dating the sales manager. He spoiled her a ton. His wife found out, and they got a divorce. He and this younger girl are still together to this day. Secondly, the dealership owner would bring escorts late at night to his office. The same sales manager mentioned above would also partake, and they would often have threesomes and foursomes."


A man and a woman under a desk, his foot touching her calf. Both are dressed in formal business attire, suggesting an office environment
Hybrid Images / Getty Images/Image Source

11."I had strong feelings for a slightly older coworker and struggled with them for quite a while. He flirted with me a lot, made me laugh, and made me feel seen. After a while, I found out he had a girlfriend, and it turns out I knew her! He made a pass at me one night while drunk, and I had to remind him he wasn't single. After that, he still flirted with me, but nothing else happened. We hung out after work, I met his friends, and things were largely platonic. However, I had fallen for him and had my blinders on. He led me on for the longest time until we finally became friends with benefits. I thought that I was one step closer to him finally admitting his feelings for me. After all, why not? I got along with his friends, we had similar interests, we spent time together outside of work, he frequently sought my attention, we laughed together, slept together, etc."

"But the time never came. I confronted him one day about him leading me on, and he said something so hurtful that I'll never forget it. The short of it was that he didn't like me 'like that.' We somehow remained friends for a while following that conversation, and I actually had to give him some props because, if it hadn't been for him, I might have never met my current husband. But I learned a tough lesson during this time. If someone has you second-guessing their feelings for you, they don't have feelings for you. Don't be like me and assume attention means affection."


12."It was with a much younger female coworker, my evening manager at a FedEx terminal. She was in her early 30s, and I was in my mid-50s and married, which she knew. Very few folks knew. We would usually stick around until everyone had left in the evening and have fun. I would go to her apartment after I was done unloading the trucks in the morning before she had to go to work. She had never been with anyone before, so I was her first. It lasted several months, and then it just kind of fizzled out. Wonderful memories!"


Two silhouettes of people kissing behind a semi-transparent screen in a modern, professional setting. No text is present in the image
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

13."I worked at a car dealership. My boss was a very handsome, very married man who flirted with me from the day I got hired. We started an affair within months, and it lasted for a couple of years. We did it everywhere: his office, the bathrooms, meeting rooms, and even in a limo that had been dropped off for service. Eventually, he started getting weird, and I couldn't figure out why until one day, when he was out to 'lunch,' his cellphone accidentally dialed my desk phone, and I heard him talking to another woman. I went ballistic. But that was just the tip of a huge iceberg. I broke up with him completely, left the dealership, and found out he was not only doing drugs but also had several other girlfriends besides me."

"Apparently, they also found out about the others, and one of the not-so-nice ones took a can of spray paint and wrote all kinds of bad things about him on the dealership cars. One day, I was checking out at the local grocery store, and my friend, who had also worked at the dealership, was a cashier. We talked for a minute; then she spilled it: She was one of his girlfriends, too. I was devastated. We both felt so used. It brought us closer as friends, and we called and gave him our opinion of him, then went on our happy ways. I found a very nice single man, and she is happily married. He got divorced and moved."


14."This was THE story in middle school. The male orchestra teacher was actively having sex with one of the art teachers. The orchestra teacher was engaged to be married to a woman (who would've been his second wife), and the art teacher was a single mom. They hooked up during school hours. One day, the art teacher literally limped out of the orchestra teacher's office, all disheveled. Someone complained to the administration, the art teacher was let go, and the orchestra teacher's engagement was broken off."


Multiple red lipstick lip prints arranged in a scattered pattern on a white background
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

15."It started as a teacher/instructional aide work situation. We were both married (second marriages for both) but had similar child-rearing beliefs. We began meeting at the university bar before and after classes as we both worked to advance our careers. We would talk for hours about all types of subjects and interests. I left to go into administration in another district, and she left to become a teacher at another high school. I was hired in her district two years later, and we began where we left off. It was more of a friendship than anything else. Then, we were both going through divorces simultaneously (unbeknownst to either of us). We got together, and long story short, 33+ years and nine grandkids later, we're still going strong. Both of our two previous spouses have passed on due to either substance abuse or serious health issues. We have traveled the world and are immensely in love. We both know that we have a deep connection that our previous marriages lacked."


Ooooohhh my. Have you ever witnessed or been involved in an office romance or affair? What happened?! Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.